In this talk we show some tools and metrics to choose what is the best approach to refactor your application. Showing different techniques to prepare yourself before to start a refactor.
something elegant, enduring and effective. That is our heartbeat. Our approach is uniquely simple and honest, we are a small dedicated software studio, delivering outstanding work. Karumi is the Rock Solid code software development studio.
of buggy spaghetti last week, you know it’s because I’m a bad programmer, irresponsible and perhaps even a tad stupid. When you, on the other hand, deliver scrappy code (yes, I know - it’s a hypothetical scenario) you know it’s because you were close to a deadline, had to save the project or just intended it to be a prototype.”
de crédito. Tienes que devolver el dinero y los intereses. Si tiras siempre de la tarjeta de crédito, no vas a poder pagar los intereses y estarás en bancarrota.”
refactorings. To some extent, the situations I describe in the refactoring guidelines are fairly vague notions of aesthetics. But I try to provide more guidance than just saying, "Refactor when the code looks ugly." I say, for instance, that duplicated code is a bad smell. I say that long methods are a bad smell. Big classes are a bad smell. ” Martin Fowler
Adam Tornhill Working Effectively with legacy code. Michael Feathers Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code. Martin Fowler. Workflows of Refactoring. Martin Fowler. OOP2014. Refactorizar a patrones. Xavi Gost. Refactoring: Where Do I start?. J. B. Rainsberger.