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Pragmatic WordPress WorkFlow: Theming

Kevin Dees
November 03, 2012

Pragmatic WordPress WorkFlow: Theming

Building pro themes with any feature you want in 30 minute

Kevin Dees

November 03, 2012

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  1. Kevin Dees Developer at Robojuice in Greenville SC √ kevindees.cc

    √ @kevindees X google+ X facebook Saturday, November 3, 12
  2. Pragmatic Approach • Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in

    a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations. • Avoiding our need, as developers, to over engineer WordPress themes by using best practices and preexisting code Saturday, November 3, 12
  3. DRY Toolbox • Plugins • Themes • GitHub • jQuery

    Plugins • CSS Frameworks • WordPress Frameworks Don't Repeat Yourself Saturday, November 3, 12
  4. Using Other Themes • Genesis Theme Framework • WordPress 2012

    Theme • Bones WordPress Theme Don't Repeat Yourself Saturday, November 3, 12
  5. Using Plugins • SEO: Yoast • Backups: BackupBuddy • Forms:

    Gravity Forms • Caching: W3 Total Cache Don't Repeat Yourself Saturday, November 3, 12
  6. As of October 31st 2012, both Sidebar Manager and WooSEO

    will be removed from the WooFramework, in favour of WooSidebars and WordPress SEO by Yoast, respectively. “ ~ WooThemes Saturday, November 3, 12
  7. Using Frameworks • CPTypes and Taxonomies: ACPT • Theme Options:

    Options Framework • Meta Boxes and Fields: WP Alchemy • Require Plugins: TGM Plugin Activation Don't Repeat Yourself Saturday, November 3, 12