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awareness api

awareness api

Shinnosuke Kugimiya

July 22, 2016

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  1. ಋೖ • ैདྷͷGoogle Play ServiceܥͷAPIಋೖํ๏ͱಉ༷ 1. Google Developers ConsoleͰAPIΛ༗ޮʹͯ͠ɺAPI Keyऔಘ

    2. build.gradleͷdependenciesʹ௥Ճ 3. AndroidManifest.xmlʹmeta-dataΛهೖ 4. AndroidManifest.xmlʹඞཁͳPermissionΛ௥Ճ
  2. Current Activity Awareness.SnapshotApi.getDetectedActivity(apiClient) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<DetectedActivityResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull

    DetectedActivityResult detectedActivityResult) { if (!detectedActivityResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not get the current activity."); } ActivityRecognitionResult ar = detectedActivityResult.getActivityRecognitionResult(); DetectedActivity probableActivity = ar.getMostProbableActivity(); showActivity(probableActivity); } }); • SnapshotApi.getDetectedActivityΛݺͿ͚ͩ • DetectedActivityResultʹઌͷ৘ใ͕֨ೲ͞Ε͍ͯΔ
  3. Headphone State Awareness.SnapshotApi.getHeadphoneState(apiClient) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<HeadphoneStateResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull

    HeadphoneStateResult headphoneStateResult) { if (!headphoneStateResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not get headphone state."); return; } HeadphoneState headphoneState = headphoneStateResult.getHeadphoneState(); showState(headphoneState); } }); • SnapshotApi.getHeadphoneStateΛݺͿ͚ͩ • HeadphoneStateResultʹઌͷ৘ใ͕֨ೲ͞Ε͍ͯΔ
  4. Location Awareness.SnapshotApi.getLocation(apiClient) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<LocationResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull LocationResult

    locationResult) { if (!locationResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not get location."); return; } Location location = locationResult.getLocation(); showLocation(location); } }); • SnapshotApi.getLocationΛݺͿ͚ͩ • LocationResultʹઌͷ৘ใ͕֨ೲ͞Ε͍ͯΔ
  5. Nearby Places • ۙ͘ͷࢪઃͷ৘ใ͕औΕΔ w ۙ͘ʹ͋Δࢪઃͷ w ໊લ w ి࿩൪߸

    w Ң౓ܦ౓ w XFCTJUFVSM w SBUJOH w Ձ֨Ϩϕϧ w ͳͲ Awareness APIҎ֎ʹ ผ్ Google Places APIΛ ༗ޮʹ͢Δඞཁ͕͋Δ ͷͰ஫ҙɻ
  6. Nearby Places Awareness.SnapshotApi.getPlaces(apiClient) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<PlacesResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull

    PlacesResult placesResult) { if (!placesResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not get places."); return; } showPlaces(placesResult); } }); • SnapshotApi.getPlacesΛݺͿ͚ͩ • PlaceResultʹઌͷ৘ใ͕֨ೲ͞Ε͍ͯΔ
  7. Weather • ఱؾ͕औΕΔ (Լه͕ෳ਺߹Θͬͯ͞औಘͰ͖ Δ) w ΋΍ w פ͍ w

    ཛྷ w շ੖ w ಶΓ w Ӎ w ઇ w ໄ w ෩͕ڧ͍
  8. Weather Awareness.SnapshotApi.getWeather(apiClient) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<WeatherResult>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull WeatherResult

    weatherResult) { if (!weatherResult.getStatus().isSuccess()) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not get weather."); return; } Weather weather = weatherResult.getWeather(); showWeather(weather); } }); • SnapshotApi.getWeatherΛݺͿ͚ͩ • WeatherResultʹઌͷ৘ใ͕֨ೲ͞Ε͍ͯΔ
  9. どういうFenceを作ることができるのか • Լهͷ৘ใΛऔಘͰ͖Δ w #FBDPO'FODF w %FUFDUFE"DUJWJUZ'FODF w )FBEQIPOF'FODF w

    -PDBUJPO'FODF w 5JNF'FODF • ·ͨ͜ΕΒͷ৘ใΛ૊Έ߹ΘͤΔ͜ͱ΋Մೳ • ྫ͑͹ʮ૸Γग़͔ͨ࣌ͭ͠ϔουϗϯϓϥά͕ϓϥάΠϯঢ়ଶͰ͋ Δʯͱ͍͏ϑΣϯεΛ࡞Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖Δ
  10. Fenceを実際に作る AwarenessFence pluggingIn = HeadphoneFence.pluggingIn(); Awareness.FenceApi.updateFences(mClient, new FenceUpdateRequest.Builder() .addFence(FenceKey.PLUG_IN.name(), pluggingIn,

    mFencePendingIntent).build()) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull Status status) { if (status.isSuccess()) { Log.i(TAG, "fence start updateFences add fence: success"); } else { Log.i(TAG, "fence start updateFences add fence: fail" + status); } } }); • ϔουϗϯͷϓϥάΠϯঢ়ଶʹͳͬͨ࣌ͱ͍ ͏FenceΛ࡞Δ
  11. Fenceを実際に作る AwarenessFence pluggingIn = HeadphoneFence.pluggingIn(); Awareness.FenceApi.updateFences(mClient, new FenceUpdateRequest.Builder() .addFence(FenceKey.PLUG_IN.name(), pluggingIn,

    mFencePendingIntent).build()) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull Status status) { if (status.isSuccess()) { Log.i(TAG, "fence start updateFences add fence: success"); } else { Log.i(TAG, "fence start updateFences add fence: fail" + status); } } }); • Headphone FenceΛऔಘ
  12. Fenceを実際に作る AwarenessFence pluggingIn = HeadphoneFence.pluggingIn(); Awareness.FenceApi.updateFences(mClient, new FenceUpdateRequest.Builder() .addFence(FenceKey.PLUG_IN.name(), pluggingIn,

    mFencePendingIntent).build()) .setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() { @Override public void onResult(@NonNull Status status) { if (status.isSuccess()) { Log.i(TAG, "fence start updateFences add fence: success"); } else { Log.i(TAG, "fence start updateFences add fence: fail" + status); } } }); • FenceAPI.updateFencesΛݺͿ • ͜Ε͚ͩ
  13. Fenceを登録する • ैདྷͷBroadcast Receiverͱಉ༷ public class FenceReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

    private static final String TAG = "FENCE_RECEIVER"; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (!TextUtils.equals("com.kgmyshin.fence.RECEIVE_FENCE", intent.getAction())) { return; } FenceState state = FenceState.extract(intent); if (TextUtils.equals(state.getFenceKey(), FenceKey.PLUG_IN.name())) { if (state.getCurrentState() == FenceState.TRUE) { Toast.makeText(context, "plug in", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } Log.i(TAG, "FENCE_START: " + state.getCurrentState()); } } } <receiver android:name=".fence.FenceReceiver"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="com.kgmyshin.fence.RECEIVE_FENCE" /> </intent-filter> </receiver>