"list" > names(list1) NULL list2 <- list(A = 1:6, B = 11:15, C = c("a", "b", "c")) > class(list2) [1] "list" > names(list2) [1] "A" "B" "C" named list list
thoughts into code. func?ons that correspond to the most common data manipula?on tasks Introduc>on to dplyr h"ps://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dplyr/vigne"es/dplyr.html WFSCT {dplyr}
Robot'' <- take(Robot', fridge, milk) Robot''' <- pour(Robot'', milk, glass) result <- put(Robot''', glass, table) result <- Robot %>% lift(glass, table) %>% take(fridge, milk) %>% pour(milk, glass) %>% put(glass, table) by using pipe, # ① # ② # ③ # ④ # ① # ② # ③ # ④
Robot'' <- take(Robot', fridge, milk) Robot''' <- pour(Robot'', milk, glass) result <- put(Robot''', glass, table) result <- Robot %>% lift(glass, table) %>% take(fridge, milk) %>% pour(milk, glass) %>% put(glass, table) by using pipe, # ① # ② # ③ # ④ # ① # ② # ③ # ④
Robot''' <- pour(Robot'', milk, glass) result <- put(Robot''', glass, table) result <- Robot %>% lift(glass, table) %>% take(fridge, milk) %>% pour(milk, glass) %>% put(glass, table) by using pipe, # ① # ② # ③ # ④ # ① # ② # ③ # ④ Thinking Reading Bring milk from the kitchen!