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Kim Schlesinger
August 18, 2017


Kim Schlesinger

August 18, 2017


  1. Learning Objec-ves By the end of this workshop, you will

    be able to: 1. Write 2-3 learning objec4ves that meet the ‘4M’ criteria 2. Describe and demonstrate the teaching technique ‘Post It’ 3. Describe and demonstrate the teaching technique ‘Targeted Ques4oning’
  2. Learning Objec-ves By the end of this workshop, you will

    be able to: 1. Write 2-3 learning objec4ves that meet the ‘4M’ criteria 2. Describe the purpose of craAing learning objec4ves
  3. Learning Objec-ves A descrip*on of what the student will know

    and be able to do by the end of a lesson.
  4. Manageable By the end of (a specified 2me period), the

    student will be able to: 1. Objec(ve One 2. Objec(ve Two 3. Objec(ve Three
  5. Examples By the end of this workshop, you will be

    able to: • Inspect DOM nodes and elements • Modify exis6ng DOM elements • Create new DOM elements • Describe the Document Object Model
  6. Your Turn! • Write 2-3 learning objec3ves that are manageable

    and measurable. • Find and use verbs from Bloom's Taxonomy!
  7. Learning Objec-ves By the end of this workshop, you will

    be able to: 1. Write 2-3 learning objec4ves that meet the ‘4M’ criteria 2. Describe the purpose of craAing learning objec4ves
  8. Learning Objec-ves By the end of this workshop, you will

    be able to: 1. Write 2-3 learning objec4ves that meet the ‘4M’ criteria 2. Describe and demonstrate the teaching technique ‘Post It’ 3. Describe and demonstrate the teaching technique ‘Targeted Ques4oning’
  9. Learning Objec-ves By the end of this workshop, you will

    be able to: Describe and demonstrate the teaching technique ‘Post It’
  10. Post It 1. Go over you objec.ves at the beginning

    of your lesson 2. Review each objec.ve a;er you've covered it
  11. Post It 1. Go over you objec.ves at the beginning

    of your lesson 2. Review each objec.ve a;er you've covered it 3. Go over you objec.ves at the end of your lesson
  12. Your Turn! • Create a slide or poster that displays

    you objec4ves. • Prac4ce the beginning, middle and end of a lesson.
  13. Learning Objec-ves By the end of this workshop, you will

    be able to: 1. Write 2-3 learning objec4ves that meet the ‘4M’ criteria 2. Describe and demonstrate the teaching technique ‘Post It’ 3. Describe and demonstrate the teaching technique ‘Targeted Ques4oning’
  14. Learning Objec-ves By the end of this workshop, you will

    be able to: Describe and demonstrate the teaching technique ‘Targeted Ques6oning’
  15. Great Teaching Perhaps the most salient characteris0c of a great

    teacher is her ability to recognize the difference between 'I taught it' and 'They learned it.' -- Doug Lemov, Teach Like a Champion
  16. Checks For Understanding • Assessments that get graded a.er class

    • Real-3me checks for understanding that happen in the classroom
  17. Targeted Ques,oning 1. Ask a ques+on aloud 2. Provide Wait

    +me 3. Collect the data through Turn and Talk, Show Me or Cold Call
  18. Your Turn! 3x 1. Ask a Targeted Ques0on 2. Do

    it again, and get feedback 3. Ask a Targeted Ques0on and apply the feedback from your partner
  19. Debrief • What do you know now that you didn't

    know before this session? • What can you do now that you couldn't do before this session?