of a single interface to entities of different types. A polymorphic type is one whose operations can also be applied to values of some other type, or types. Wikipedia Polymorphism kk@realm.io
{ return C.toCeasar(c) } print(encodeInCeasar(1234)) //=> 4567 print(encodeInCeasar("abcd")) //=> defg print(encodeInCeasar(1.234)) //=> Cannot invoke 'encodeInCeasar' with an argument list of type '(Double)' Example: Caesar cipher kk@realm.io
print(encodeInCeasar(1234)) //=> 4567 print(encodeInCeasar("abcd")) //=> defg print(encodeInCeasar(1.234)) //=> Cannot invoke 'encodeInCeasar' with an argument list of type '(Double)' Example: Caesar cipher kk@realm.io
• Typeclasses in Swift, Haskell and Scala https://touk.pl/blog/2015/09/14/typeclasses-in-swift/ • Typeclass in Swift and Scala http://www.danishin.com/article/Typeclass_in_Swift_and_Scala • Associated types vs. type parameters - reason for the former? https://devforums.apple.com/thread/230611 • Swift Generic Protocols https://milen.me/writings/swift-generic-protocols/ • Swift: Associated Types http://www.russbishop.net/swift-associated-types kk@realm.io