build Version Control Source code Env. & Config Artifact Repository Acceptance: functional tests User Testing Capacity Testing Production Friday, January 16, 15 Code & Configuration come from Version control, Artifact Repository delivers the same code and configuration throughout the build.
History shows the work done for each of the builds (each time Jenkins pulled code from GIT). Each star represents one step in the build promotion process.
Push/Pull “Master” GIT hook Post- Receive on “Master” Friday, January 16, 15 Developer pushes code changes to the master branch in the remote GIT repository. A “hook” in the application’s repository tells Jenkins that the master branch has changed. Jenkins pulls the code, builds a repository and runs code quality jobs.
move archive run Production Db Test Db Friday, January 16, 15 On direct, user input, Jenkins copies code to the Test or Production server, deploys code and runs database operations by running shell scripts on the servers.