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RubyMotion’s Secret Sauce - Joshua Ballenco

RubyMotion’s Secret Sauce - Joshua Ballenco

On the surface, RubyMotion is a tool that let’s developers use Ruby to create desktop and mobile applications.

Look a bit deeper, though, and you’ll find a community of developers actually having fun building libraries, coming up with new ways to design apps, and sharing what they’ve learned with each other.

Kod.io Linz

March 01, 2014

More Decks by Kod.io Linz

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What is RubyMotion? RubyMotion is a dialect of the Ruby

    language implemented on the Objective-C Runtime
  2. What is RubyMotion? RubyMotion is a community of hackers, tinkerers,

    students, and professionals, having fun building apps
  3. Community Resources During our first IRC orientation get together when

    I noted that I knew next to nothing about git and GitHub the group made me their GitHub canonical repo Integration Manager. At first I thought "are you guys crazy"?? “! ! ! ! ” Dennis Major
  4. What makes RubyMotion different? MINISWAN Matz Is Nice So We

    Are Nice “Optimized for maximum developer happiness…”
  5. What makes RubyMotion different? Perennial underdog status “First they ignore

    you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”