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Be careful what you wish for ... - about respon...

Be careful what you wish for ... - about responsibility

Young professionals want to things that matter. They want to be responsible for technology & tools, their working environment, the self-organized team and last but not least their PRODUCT! But do they know in depth what it means to be responsible ...?

Konstantin Diener

April 20, 2017

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  1. Be careful what you wish for … Konstantin Diener |

    cosee GmbH [email protected] | @onkelkodi A talk about responsibility
  2. Martin Fowler "When you feel the need to write a

    comment, first try to refactor the code so that any comment becomes superfluous."
  3. #2 Working times „I want to decide when to start

    working and how long to work!“
  4. Konstantin Diener | cosee GmbH [email protected] | @onkelkodi More? >

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