Resource I want to find an available Recruiter According to my Candidate Availabilities “Who can test”* my Candidate. Who can test : The Recruiter should cover all Candidate’s Skills. 7 @SepNamdar @KhaledSouf
much as possible • Need a high level communication between teams who use it • Teams need to be mature and awareness • Needs solid integration tests • One team should be it’s responsible • Most of time are the Legacy / BBOM systems
BC Another BC BC : Bounded Context @SepNamdar @KhaledSouf Customer (Downstream) Supplier (Upstream) Customer (Downstream) Customer (Downstream) Depends on D U
to be corrupted by other BCs • Always at Downstream side • Filter Data • Useful in case of working with : ◦ a Legacy System (Bubble Context) ◦ a big quantity of data (ACL Back-end Repository)
on Upstream side • Adapt exposed services in order to coordinate with Downstream BCs • Useful when many Downstream BCs depend on un Upstream BC • Use a Shared Language to satisfy all Downstream BCs
and integration between BCs is too high ◦ Two teams that can not support each other ◦ Two teams with an important time difference • We accept to have duplications
Strategies can change ‘if the architecture of the organization is at odds with the architecture of the system, the architecture of the organization wins’ Ruth Malan - Architect