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is there anything three Caucasian male (in their thirties) can tell you about diversity?

Jakub Marchwicki

September 25, 2019

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  1. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> is there anything three Caucasian male (in

    their thirties) can tell you about diversity? Marcin Grzejszczak <@mgrzejszczak> Damian Leszczyński <@d_leszczynski> Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem>
  2. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> there are a lot of questions that

    need to be answered when you propose a topic like that
  3. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> why three? why men? and where is

    diversity in this group? - some disclaimers
  4. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> What is diversity? (poll answers) • Gainning

    more value throughout team’s diversity • Opportunity to let differences coexist and provide improvements. • Better teams • Group of people with different characteristics like: colour of the skin, experience, gender, sexual orientation, political views etc. • Diversity is getting the amount of differences on many levels (eg. Age, ethnic, gender, religion, status, polithical views and many more) in the group. Good diversity is the most differecianted expereriences and views. • opening doors, removing barriers, welcoming and engaging. • Better teams • Collaboration without borders • More perspectives • 1+1>2 • More ideas
  5. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> • i recently worked at a company

    that used tabs • i created a new repository, and thought i was being hip and modern, so i started to evangelize spaces for the 'consistency across environments' • i get approached by not one, but TWO coworkers who unfortunately are highly visually impaired, • and each has a different visual impairment • one of them uses tab-width 1 because he uses such a gigantic font-size • the other uses tab-width 8 and a really wide monitor • these guys have serious problems using codebases with spaces, they have to convert, do their work, and then unconvert before committing https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/c8drjo/nobody_talks_about_the_real_reason_to_use_tabs/
  6. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> DiverseIT Old days Meetups 39 108 Female

    speakers 9 3 Male speakers 48 95 New speakers 35 39 % of new speakers 61% 39% % of female speakers 15% 3% Some stats (2017 - 2019)
  7. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> Let’s do a thought experiment https://martinfowler.com/bliki/DiversityMediocrityIllusion.html pick

    out ten sparkly marbles such that five were blue and five were pink I don't think you would react by saying “that's impossible”. it's possible to find the appropriate marbles, but the downside is that it takes longer.
  8. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> What can you do tomorrow? In the

    environment next to you? question time
  9. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> What can you do tomorrow? (poll answers)

    • ACE 2019 conference organisers supported the talk preparation. Check how many women they had this year ;) • Sit down and discuss this problem and offer the help to the people organising the conferences and meetups. I am not organising or managing, but I have diversed connections. Through this I can help with the effort of "picking up the marbles" :) • What do you think about lower price for courses, certifications i.e. for women, people above 50years old etc. ? • To start recommend people to work in my company from different background.
  10. DiverseIT Organic work Work with kids Work with teenagers Mentor

    adults, ie. tech leadership Newcommers Sponsorship and support Coach and mentor newcommers Find talents Organisation Copywrite Organize support communities
  11. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> just putting out a call for papers

    and saying you'd like a diverse speaker lineup isn't enough
  12. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> GeeCON 2018: 2 female speakers of out

    75 another conference 2019 in Poland: 4 female speakers out of 89 GeeCON 2019: 7 female speakers of out 70
  13. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> male female technical 84 3 soft skill

    7 7 submissions & results male female technical 34 1 soft skill 1 2 dear industry: we can do better
  14. Jakub Marchwicki <@kubem> Questions - after talk • Were you

    checking how diversity of speakers influenced diversity of audience? • Are You plannning something for diverse speakers not returning to speaking? Often I see people "trying" and not returning due to experiences during conferences • What do you think about lowering a price for courses, certifications for i.e. women, older people etc. ?