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Angular 12 is Around the Corner

Angular 12 is Around the Corner

This talk is about what happend in the Angular ecosystem for last couple of years, how did Angular and Angular ecosystem evolved and what planned for Angular v12

Aliaksei Kuncevič

May 10, 2021

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  1. kuncevic.dev @kuncevic CREATOR 💡 Aurelia vs React vs Vue vs

    Svelte vs Ember vs Elm vs Angular frontendwatch.com
  2. kuncevic.dev AngularJS (v1.8) LTS ✅ January 1 — June 30,

    2018 AngularJS v1.x Active Development ✅ July 1, 2018 — Dec 31, 2021 AngularJS v1.8 LTS Period
  3. kuncevic.dev What Angular is well known for? 👍 Comprehensive feature

    set 👍 Tooling and ecosystem 👍 Stability and support 👍 Community
  4. kuncevic.dev What Angular offer? ✅ Component-based architecture ✅ Dependency injection

    ✅ Powerful rendering engine ✅ Reactivity powered by RxJS ✅ TypeScript is a first class citizen ✅ Predictable release cycles ✅ Developer productivity (CLI) ✅ Best practices and recipes
  5. kuncevic.dev Facts 💯 ✅ 1.8M+ angular.io hits p/m ✅ 11M+

    NPM downloads p/m ✅ 200K+ answers on StackOverflow ✅ 661 meetup groups in 335 cities in 63 countries
  6. kuncevic.dev Ivy Compiler Benefits ✅ Improved performance ✅ Better tree-shaking

    ✅ New change detection ✅ Backwards compatibility ✅ Inspecting application in browser (dev mode)
  7. kuncevic.dev What is coming in v12? ✅ SASS support in

    Single File Components (SFC) ✅ Critical CSS and fonts inlining ✅ TypeScript strict mode by default ✅ Tailwind native Support ✅ Webpack 5 production support ✅ IE 11 depreciation ✅ Standardized errors ✅ Better template errors checking ✅ Better debugging ✅ Feature requests voting
  8. kuncevic.dev Angular Platform 🚀 Labs Protractor Forms PWA Language Services

    Router Elements CDK Universal Karma Compiler i18n Http Material Animations CLI
  9. kuncevic.dev 20+ UI component libraries CDK Material Bootstrap Prime NG

    Clarity Kendo UI Ignite UI NG Lightning Wijmo Materialize Onsen UI
  10. kuncevic.dev Predictable, transparent & incremental evolution Version 2 September 2016

    Version 4 March 2017 Version 5 November 2017 Version 6 May 2018 Version 7 October 2018 Version 8 May 2019 Version 9 Feb 2020 ... Version 12 May 2021
  11. kuncevic.dev Support policy and schedule ✅ All of major releases

    are supported for 18 months ✅ 6 months of active support, during which regularly-scheduled updates and patches are released ✅ 12 months of long-term support (LTS), during which only critical fixes and security patches are released.
  12. kuncevic.dev Angular CLI 💪 ✅ Scaffolding commands ✅ ng add

    (setup npm package) ✅ Run unit and e2e tests ✅ Linting (eslint, codelyzer) ✅ Transpiling TypeScript ✅ Compiling LESS/SASS ✅ Dev/prod builds, code split (webpack) ✅ Tree-shaking/Minification ✅ *Monorepo support (libs, apps)