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Design APIs and deliver what you promised

Design APIs and deliver what you promised

Kyle Fuller

October 16, 2019

More Decks by Kyle Fuller

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  1. Documentation is the UI for an API Design APIs and

    deliver what you promised -- @kylefuller
  2. ## Hotel [/hotels/{slug}] + Attributes + name: Sheraton + location

    + city: Vancouver + longtitude + latitude + email: sheraton@example.com + Response 200 (application/json) + Attributes (Hotel) Design APIs and deliver what you promised -- @kylefuller
  3. 1 + 1 = -7 Design APIs and deliver what

    you promised -- @kylefuller
  4. Find bad API DX and errors before anyone else does

    Design APIs and deliver what you promised -- @kylefuller
  5. GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: api.github.com 200 OKAY Content-Type: application/json {

    "current_user_url": "/user", "authorisations_url": "/authorisations", "issues_url": "/issues", ... } Design APIs and deliver what you promised -- @kylefuller
  6. # GET / + Response 200 (application/json) + Attributes +

    *user_url*: /user Design APIs and deliver what you promised -- @kylefuller
  7. openapi: 3.0.0 paths: /: get: responses: '200': content: application/json: schema:

    type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: /user Design APIs and deliver what you promised -- @kylefuller
  8. # POST /sessions You can create a session proposal by

    sending a POST request with the speaker and the title. The proposal will be in a draft state until approved by the conference. + Request (application/json) + Attributes + title: Design APIs and deliver what you promised (required) + One Of + speaker: Kyle (required) + speakers: Kyle, Doe (array, required) Design APIs and deliver what you promised -- @kylefuller
  9. $ dredd api_specifications_conference.apib http://localhost:8000 pass: POST (201) /sessions duration: 12ms

    complete: 1 passing, 0 failing, 0 errors, 0 skipped, 1 total complete: Tests took 12ms Design APIs and deliver what you promised -- @kylefuller
  10. # POST /sessions + Request (application/json) + Headers ``` Authorization:

    Bearer <??> ``` + Attributes + title: Design APIs and deliver what you promised Design APIs and deliver what you promised -- @kylefuller
  11. from dredd_hooks import before_each from hotels.auth.models import User, Session @before_each

    def attach_authorization_header(transaction): user = User.get_or_create(username='kyle') session = Session.create(user=user) transaction['request']['headers']['Authorization'] = \ 'Bearer {}'.format(session.token) Design APIs and deliver what you promised -- @kylefuller