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From Java To Clojure (English version)

From Java To Clojure (English version)

Let's start Clojure, Java programmers!
cf. 日本語版: https://speakerdeck.com/lagenorhynque/from-java-to-clojure


February 19, 2017

More Decks by Kent OHASHI

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Self-introduction /laʒenɔʁɛ̃k/ lagénorhynque (defprofile lagénorhynque :name "Kent OHASHI" :account @lagenorhynque

    :company "Opt, Inc." :languages [Clojure Haskell Python Scala English français Deutsch русский] :interests [programming language-learning mathematics])
  2. Problems with Java as a language lack of functional programming

    (FP) support More FP! (OOP and static typing are not necessary) verbose syntax More simplicity! lack of exibility/extensibility More freedom!
  3. JVM language comparison from my own point of view factor

    Java Groovy Scala Kotlin Clojure FP support × △ ◯ △ ◯ simplicity × ◯ △ ◯ ◎ exibility × ◯ ◯ ◯ ◎
  4. Using Clojure, we can say goodbye to Java as a

    language!! Adieu, Java ! Now we have to say farewell to you, Java (;_;)/~~~
  5. Origin of the name Clojure Clojure is pronounced exactly like

    closure, where the s/j has the zh sound as in azure, pleasure etc. The name was chosen to be unique. I wanted to involve c (c#), l (lisp) and j (java). Once I came up with Clojure, given the pun on closure, the available domains and vast emptiness of the googlespace, it was an easy decision. ― Rich Hickey, creator of Clojure cf. meaning and pronunciation of Clojure
  6. Clojure /ˈkloʊʒɚ/ * NOT /ˈkloʊd͡ʒɚ/ element meaning /ˈkloʊʒɚ/ closure, functional

    programming C C#(.NET) as a platform, .NET language l Lisp dialect j Java as a platform, JVM language
  7. 1. Clojure as a FP language 2. Clojure as a

    Lisp dialect 3. Clojure as a JVM language
  8. Immutable List, Vector, Map, Set, etc. user=> '(1 2 3)

    (1 2 3) user=> [1 2 3] [1 2 3] user=> {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3} user=> #{1 2 3} #{1 3 2}
  9. Higher-order functions (filter, map, reduce, etc.) user=> (def xs [1

    2 3]) #'user/xs user=> (filter odd? xs) (1 3) user=> (map #(* % %) xs) (1 4 9) user=> (reduce + 0 xs) 6 user=> (reduce + 0 (map #(* % %) (filter odd? xs))) 10 user=> (->> xs #_=> (filter odd?) #_=> (map #(* % %)) #_=> (reduce + 0)) 10
  10. BTW, #( ) is #(* % %) ↓↓↓ (fn [x]

    (* x x)) a reader macro equivalent as above.
  11. BTW, ->> is (->> a (f x) (g y) (h

    z)) ↓↓↓ (h z (g y (f x a))) a macro (a kind of threading macros) expanded as above.
  12. Lazy sequences user=> (def nats (iterate inc 0)) #'user/nats user=>

    (take 10 nats) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) user=> (take-while #(< % 10) nats) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
  13. S-expressions (f a b c ...) f: function, macro, special

    form a, b, c, ...: arguments cf. Java f(a, b, c, ...)
  14. Even a function/method de nition // Java public void greet(String

    name) { System.out.println("Bonjour, " + name + " !"); } is an S-expression. ;; Clojure (defn greet [name] (println (str "Bonjour, " name " !")))
  15. Even namespace/package declaration and imports // Java package demo_app; import

    java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; are S-expressions. ;; Clojure (ns demo-app.core (:import (java.io IOException) (java.util ArrayList List)))
  16. first(≒ car), rest(≒ cdr), cons, ... user=> (def xs [1

    2 3]) #'user/xs user=> (first xs) 1 user=> (rest xs) (2 3) user=> (cons 0 xs) (0 1 2 3)
  17. S-expression code can be treated as data (code as data;

    ) homoiconicity user=> (first '(def xs [1 2 3])) def user=> (rest '(def xs [1 2 3])) (xs [1 2 3]) user=> (cons 'def '(xs [1 2 3])) (def xs [1 2 3]) user=> (eval (cons 'def '(xs [1 2 3]))) #'user/xs
  18. Lisp macros powerful compile-time metaprogramming facility user=> (defmacro unless ;

    just a reimplementation of clojure.core/if-not macro #_=> ([test then] #_=> `(unless ~test ~then nil)) #_=> ([test then else] #_=> `(if (not ~test) #_=> ~then #_=> ~else))) #'user/unless user=> (unless (= 1 2) :ok) :ok user=> (macroexpand '(unless (= 1 2) :ok)) (if (clojure.core/not (= 1 2)) :ok nil)
  19. BTW, defn used for function de nition user=> (macroexpand #_=>

    '(defn greet [name] #_=> (println (str "Bonjour, " name " !")))) (def greet (clojure.core/fn ([name] (println (str "Bonjour, " name " !"))))) is a macro composed of def, fn special forms.
  20. Hard to handle a lot of parentheses? ⇒ Lisp-editing plugins

    make it very comfortable The Animated Guide to Paredit Parinfer - simpler Lisp editing
  21. Compiling to Java class les executable as a jar $

    lein new app demo-app Generating a project called demo-app based on the 'app' template. $ cd demo-app/ $ lein uberjar Compiling demo-app.core Created /Users/lagenorhynchus/code/demo-app/target/uberjar/demo-app-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar Created /Users/lagenorhynchus/code/demo-app/target/uberjar/demo-app-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar $ java -jar target/uberjar/demo-app-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar Hello, World!
  22. Calling Java methods static methods // Java Integer.parseInt("123") ;; Clojure

    (Integer/parseInt "123") instance methods // Java "a b c".split("\\s") ;; Clojure (.split "a b c" "\\s")
  23. destructive initialisation/setting // Java java.util.Map<String, Integer> m = new java.util.HashMap<>();

    m.put("a", 1); m.put("b", 2); m.put("c", 3); return m; ;; Clojure (doto (java.util.HashMap.) (.put "a" 1) (.put "b" 2) (.put "c" 3))
  24. method chaining // Java new StringBuilder() .append("a") .append("b") .append("c") .toString()

    ;; Clojure (.. (StringBuilder.) (append "a") (append "b") (append "c") toString) ;; or (-> (StringBuilder.) (.append "a") (.append "b") (.append "c") .toString)
  25. Interoperating with Java collection API Java collection → Clojure function

    user=> (def xs (doto (java.util.ArrayList.) #_=> (.add 1) #_=> (.add 2) #_=> (.add 3))) #'user/xs user=> (class xs) java.util.ArrayList user=> xs [1 2 3] user=> (map inc xs) (2 3 4)
  26. Clojure collection → Java method user=> (def xs [1 2

    3 4 5]) #'user/xs user=> (class xs) clojure.lang.PersistentVector user=> (instance? java.util.List xs) true user=> (.subList xs 1 4) [2 3 4]
  27. cf. usage example of Google Sheets API (Java) // Java

    public Integer duplicateWorksheet(Sheets sheets, String spreadsheetId, Integer worksheetId, Strin List<Request> reqs = Arrays.asList( new Request().setDuplicateSheet( new DuplicateSheetRequest().setSourceSheetId(worksheetId) .setNewSheetName(worksheetName) .setInsertSheetIndex(1) ) ); return executeUpdate(sheets, spreadsheetId, worksheetId, reqs) .getReplies() .get(0) .getDuplicateSheet() .getProperties() .getSheetId(); } ;; Clojure (defn duplicate-worksheet [sheets spreadsheet-id worksheet-id worksheet-name] (let [reqs [(-> (Request.) (.setDuplicateSheet (-> (DuplicateSheetRequest.) (.setSourceSheetId worksheet-id) (.setNewSheetName worksheet-name) (.setInsertSheetIndex (int 1)))))]] (-> (execute-update sheets spreadsheet-id worksheet-id reqs) .getReplies first .getDuplicateSheet .getProperties .getSheetId)))
  28. If you use Clojure, with the power of FP, Lisp

    and Java you can program more simply, more freely!!
  29. Further Reading : Clojure o cial site : Clojure build

    tool : Clojure build tool : Clojure online REPL : ClojureScript online REPL Chapter 7: Clojure Clojure Leiningen Boot Try Clojure Replumb REPL Seven Languages in Seven Weeks Programming Clojure (2nd edition)