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Architecture with NoSQL: Experiences of a SaaS ...

August 21, 2012

Architecture with NoSQL: Experiences of a SaaS startup

Presentation at WICSA 2012 Industry day.


August 21, 2012

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  1. •Single page JavaScript front-end •Thousands of concurrent users •Three replicated

    databases •X servers on two continents •99.98% availability Facts
  2. Streaming API MongoDB Redis + IRC, Twitter, RSS, and Email

    integrations WebSocket API Message Backend PostgreSQL Rails App
  3. MongoDB • Document-oriented • JSON based queries • Scalable reads

    and writes • Replication and failover built-in • No transactions, no JOINs
  4. Taking control of the routes 1. Submarine communications cable 2.

    3rd party CDN/Load Balancers 3. AWS as SSL endpoint
  5. This Is How We Roll •GeoDNS chooses endpoint •Encrypted VPN

    mesh between servers •Servers near client act as SSL endpoint •Request processed near data
  6. Conclusions •MongoDB a bit like MySQL 15 years ago •Some

    NoSQL databases are suitable for distributed setups •Hardware and network issues needs to be addressed