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Data Visualization with Streamlit

Luca Corbucci
June 11, 2022

Data Visualization with Streamlit

Luca Corbucci

June 11, 2022


  1. • 👨💻 Ph.D. Student @ University of Pisa • 🎤

    Podcaster @ PointerPodcast • 🦸 Community Manager @ SuperHeroesValley • 🌏 lucacorbucci.me 👋 Hi, I’m Luca @lucacorbucci
  2. What is Streamlit? • It is an open source framework

    for data scientist and ML engineer • It allows you to develop interfaces for ML projects • It allows you to write your interface using Python • It is easy to use: you don’t need any previous frontend experience • It o ff ers an easy way to deploy your projects
  3. import streamlit as st import pandas as pd st.title("Hello Pycon

    IT") df = pd.read_csv("./race-winners.csv") st.dataframe(df)
  4. import streamlit as st import pandas as pd st.title("Hello Pycon

    IT") df = pd.read_csv("./race-winners.csv") st.dataframe(df) df1 = df[df['Class'] == 'MotoGP™'] count = df1['Rider'].value_counts().head(20) st.bar_chart(count)
  5. import streamlit as st import pandas as pd st.title("Hello Pycon

    IT") df = pd.read_csv("./race-winners.csv") st.dataframe(df) class_type = st.radio( "Choose the class you want to display", ('Moto3™', 'Moto2™', 'MotoGP™')) df1 = df[df['Class'] == class_type] count = df1['Rider'].value_counts().head(20) st.bar_chart(count)
  6. import streamlit as st import pandas as pd st.title("Hello Pycon

    IT") df = pd.read_csv("./race-winners.csv") st.dataframe(df) class_type = st.radio( "Choose the class you want to display", ('Moto3™', 'Moto2™', 'MotoGP™')) df1 = df[df['Class'] == class_type] count = df1['Rider'].value_counts().head(20) st.bar_chart(count) option = st.selectbox( 'Select the year you want to display:', (i for i in range(1949, 2023))) df1 = df1[df1['Season'] == option] count = df1['Rider'].value_counts().head(20) st.bar_chart(count)
  7. @st.cache is our friend • We don’t want to execute

    multiple times a slow code • We can mark functions with the decorator @st.cache • It allows us to reuse data avoiding executing slow code multiple times def load_data(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: data = pd.read_csv(path) return data df = load_data("./race-winners.csv") st.dataframe(df)
  8. @st.cache is our friend • We don’t want to execute

    multiple times a slow code • We can mark functions with the decorator @st.cache • It allows us to reuse data avoiding executing slow code multiple times @st.cache def load_data(path: str) -> pd.DataFrame: data = pd.read_csv(path) return data df = load_data("./race-winners.csv") st.dataframe(df)
  9. @st.cache in details • Once we add the decorator, Streamlit

    will check: • If the input parameters changed • If the body of the function changed • If the body of the functions called inside the function changed • If the variables used inside the function changed • Streamlit stores the data in a local cache, if any of these components changed then it will execute again the function otherwise it will use the cached data
  10. Deploy your first data app • Streamlit allows the deployment

    of the data apps on Streamlit Cloud • Streamlit Cloud is connected with a GitHub repo and it is able to deploy your app • It is a free service (with some limitations)