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commitizen-tools: What can we gain from crafting a git message convention?
Bringing great commit conventions helps teams communicate and guides them on how code changes should be made. It saves reviews' time to understand the intention of each pull/merge request, and makes newcomers get into an existing project faster. Besides better communication, formatted commit messages also make parsing them for other uses possible. Trivial stuff like bumping version for your projects or generating changelogs will no longer be your headache!
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Wei Lee
Wei Lee is a software engineer at Rakuten Slice, and now also a volunteer of PyCon TW. Being a lazy engineer, he is passionate about automating anything. Mainly use Python for automating trivial stuff, backend development, and maybe building some data pipelines. Love traveling, use PyCon as an excuse to explore the world 😎. Have been to PyCon TW 🇹🇼, PyCon US 🇺🇸, PyCon JP 🇯🇵, PyCon CA 🇨🇦, Remote Python Pizza 🍕.
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Twitter: @clleew