form a single application. These separate builds should not have dependencies between each other, so they can be developed and deployed individually. ※Source from︓ me-changer-to-javascript-architecture-bcdd30e02669
single-spa. It aims to make it easier and painless to build a production-ready microfront-end architecture system. Qiankun/Single SPA ※Source from︓
apps 也不能使⽤ next.js, nuxt.js 等框架,因為它需要你暴露 mount 的 function 以及需 要⼀個啟動⽂件,但 next/nuxt 都已經包起來,⽤ plugin 的⽅式插入,基本上能夠更動的就是 (next|nuxt).config.js Issue we bumped into
- On the server, before the initial page is rendered - On the client, some time after the component is mounted - 利⽤這個特性,我們可以讓個別的 modules ⾃⼰處理 data 的抓取,然後做成 self-contained modules - 使⽤ registerModule 來把個別的 store 註冊進去 host - 如果是 Next.js 我們就要⾃⼰定義 provider 和 consumer,以及考慮如何組合 store 以 Nuxt 為例