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Using PSoC Creator

Using PSoC Creator

PSoC Creator is the development tool chain for the PSoC 3/5 line of Programmable Systems on Chip. This talk will explore this development environment and create a simple bubble level application using Creator with the PSoC 5 First Touch Starter Kit.

Lloyd Moore

July 16, 2011

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  1. Overview  Recap from last presentation  IDE Overview 

    Prebuilt Components  Bubble Level Project  Live Demo
  2. From Last Time….  The PSoC processor integrates programmable analog

    and digital with a traditional processing core  The PSoC can be a one chip solution for many robotics projects  Develop the hardware configuration first and then develop the software, leaving time to experiment with different configurations
  3. PSoC Creator IDE  PSoC Creator – Full IDE 

    Pretty similar to Visual Studio or Eclipse  Hardware aspects programmed with a schematic capture style tool  Integrated programmer / debugger
  4. Component Catalog  Contains a set of pre-built hardware and

    software components  Each component has 4 aspects  Schematic symbol  Datasheet  Configuration dialog  ‘C’ API  To use a component drag it onto your schematic design  Right click on the part to open the datasheet or configuration dialog
  5. Delta Sigma ADC Component  Implements a variable width Delta

    Sigma ADC using dedicated on chip resources
  6. Delta Sigma ADC Datasheet  Similar format to IC datasheets

     Quite detailed  API section in all  Sample code available
  7. Delta Sigma Configuration  Multiple configurations  Selectable resolution 

    Differential or Single Ended  Selectable input gain  Selectable reference  Symbol will change based on some settings
  8. Delta Sigma API (Partial)  ?_Init  ?_Enable  ?_Start

     ?_Stop  API for most config options  API for utility functions
  9. Bubble Level Project  PSoC 5 First Touch kit includes

    a 3 axis accelerometer (KXSC7-2050)  Will use the X-axis of this accelerometer with the 8 LEDs on board to make a simple bubble level  This example derived from the stock Cypress example doing the same thing
  10. Bubble Level Project Steps  Create a new project 

    Choose and configure hardware components  Setup system configuration and pin assignments  Build  Write ‘C’ code  Build  Program target  Test
  11. Resources  PSoC Product Web Site:  http://www.cypress.com/?id=1353  PSoC

    Developer Community:  http://www.psocdeveloper.com/forums/  PSoC Training On Demand:  http://www.cypress.com/training  PSoC 5 FirstTouch Starter Kit: $50  http://www.cypress.com/?rID=43674  PSoC Full Development Kit (1, 3, 5): $249  http://www.cypress.com/?rID=37464  My Contact Info:  [email protected]  http://www.CyberData-Robotics.com
  12. Questions????  Will be around a bit after the meeting

    for individual questions  Feel free to e-mail me