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Git @ CSI

Luca Simone
September 11, 2014

Git @ CSI

Presentazione su GIT

Luca Simone

September 11, 2014

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  1. Git! Git è un software di controllo di versione distribuito,

    creato da Linus Torvalds nel 2005. «Perché a causa del mio odio di CVS ritengo Subversion il progetto meno sensato che sia mai cominciato. Per un po' lo slogan di Subversion era ‘CVS fatto bene’, o qualcosa di simile, e se incominci con quel tipo di slogan, non puoi andare da nessuna parte. Non c'è modo di fare CVS bene.»
  2. GitHub Fondato nel 2008 Al primo anno 20’000 repository 10

    milioni di repository nel 2013 GitHub has become such a staple among the open-source development community that many developers have begun considering it a replacement for a conventional resume and some employers require applicants to provide a link to and have an active contributing GitHub account in order to qualify for a job. 

  3. The 6 most important open source workflow practices for enterprises

    • Visibility: all software projects are by default visible to all employees • Forking: everyone who can see the code, can create a copy (fork) where they can make changes freely; these forks are visible for everyone. • Pull/merge requests: even people outside the project are able to suggest changes and you can have a conversation about the code with line comments. • Testing: software includes unit- and integration-tests so that changes can be made with less fear of causing problems. • Continuous Integration: every proposed change is automatically tested and the result is shown with the change. • Documentation: all software projects include a readme that describes what the software does, why that is important, how run it and how to develop it.