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JVM Concurrency on Devoxx at Nov 12 2015

JVM Concurrency on Devoxx at Nov 12 2015

Until recently, concurrency in Java meant: java.util.concurrent and threads. Threads were originally envisioned as "lightweight processes" - starting a new process for concurrent operations meant to much overhead, and posed the problem of inter-process communication. Threads were supposed to be light and remove both disadvantages - less resource consumption for creation and scheduling, and shared memory. Today it seems this model has reached it's limits. The context switch between threads is not a good match for modern processor architectures, resource needs are still to high for fine-grained concurrency, and shared mutual state is a curse, not a blessing, leading to race conditions, locks, contention. To quote Oracle JVM architect John Rose: "Threads are passé". We will explore different approaches to concurrency below the thread level, and have a look at their advantages and disadvantages. Namely we will look at Quasar Fibres, Clojure Agents, vert.x Verticles and Akka Actors.

Lutz Hühnken

November 12, 2015

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  1. Devoxx Antwerpen 2015 Concurrency Models on the JVM Lutz Hühnken

    @lutzhuehnken https://github.com/lutzh/concurrency_talk
  2. #devoxx 7 Provocative claim (for you to discuss over drinks

    later): We need a new standard concurrency model for Java!
  3. #devoxx 12 From Thread Process Process Worker Task To Also

    see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactor_pattern
  4. #devoxx Thinking about blocking I/O When one thread corresponds to

    one task 13 Note: This is a snapshot in time of the system, not a sequence of events
  5. #devoxx Never block! When one thread is a worker, working

    on multiple tasks 14 Note: This is a snapshot in time of the system, not a sequence of events
  6. #devoxx Solution for the efficiency problem: • Sub-thread level concurrency

    • Asynchronous I/O
 • This is something the approaches we will look at have in common
 • Note: This is also something that all Reactive Systems* have in common
 * http://www.reactivemanifesto.org 15
  7. #devoxx 17 They discard the most essential and appealing properties

    of sequential computation: understandability, predictability, and determinism. Threads, as a model of computation, are wildly nondeterministic, and the job of the programmer becomes one of pruning that nondeterminism.
  8. #devoxx Digression: Callback Hell fs.readdir(source, function(err, files) { if (err)

    { console.log('Error finding files: ' + err) } else { files.forEach(function(filename, fileIndex) { console.log(filename) gm(source + filename).size(function(err, values) { if (err) { console.log('Error identifying file size: ' + err) } else { console.log(filename + ' : ' + values) aspect = (values.width / values.height) widths.forEach(function(width, widthIndex) { height = Math.round(width / aspect) console.log('resizing ' + filename + 'to ' + height + 'x' + height) this.resize(width, height).write(destination + 'w' + width + '_' + filename, function(err) { if (err) console.log('Error writing file: ' + err) }) }.bind(this)) } }) }) } }) 19
  9. #devoxx I admit: It could be written in a more

    readable way • Scala Futures / for-expressions • async / await (also Scala) • JavaScript Promises (then.. then.. then)
 • All this is syntactic sugar for callbacks - which is good • But let’s explore other (better) approaches for composition 20
  10. #devoxx 21 What are we interested in? Composition State Management

    Integration, I/O (both async and sync) Predictability
  11. #devoxx 22 Coroutines (Green Threads, User Mode Threads, IOC Threads,

    Fibers) Quasar Fibers http://www.paralleluniverse.co/quasar/ Channels Clojure core.async https://github.com/clojure/core.async/ Event Loop vert.x http://vertx.io Actor Model Akka http://akka.io Concurrency Models
  12. #devoxx 24 new Fiber<V>() { @Override protected V run() throws

    SuspendExecution, InterruptedException { // code here } }.start(); looks like a thread, walks like a thread..
  13. #devoxx 25 class RetrieveInfo extends Fiber<Void> { ... @Override public

    Void run() { final CloseableHttpClient client = FiberHttpClientBuilder.create().build(); try { String response = client.execute(new HttpGet(MessageFormat.format(url, searchTerm)), new BasicResponseHandler()); addResult(key, StringUtils.abbreviate(response, 1000)); } catch (IOException iox) { ... Use like blocking Need to aggregate results.. „fiber blocking“ async http client
  14. #devoxx 26 private final Map<String, String> store = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public void define(final String searchTerm) { for (String currentKey : sources.keySet()) { new RetrieveInfo(currentKey, sources.get(currentKey), searchTerm).start(); } } /** * This method is working on shared mutual state - this is what we look to avoid! */ void addResult(final String key, final String result) { store.put(key, result); ... This method is working on shared mutual state - this is what we look to shared mutable state Start retrieval of definitions in background
  15. #devoxx Fibers • Major advantage: Imperative Programming, just like with

 • Major disadvantage: Imperative Programming, just like with threads 27
  16. #devoxx 28 class FooAsync extends FiberAsync<String, FooException> implements FooCompletion {

    @Override public void success(String result) { asyncCompleted(result); } @Override public void failure(FooException exception) { asyncFailed(exception); } } String op() { new FooAsync() { protected void requestAsync() { Foo.asyncOp(this); } }.run(); } Turn callback APIs into fiber blocking APIs!
  17. #devoxx Fibers Summary • Thread-like programming model • Nice „tricks“:

    Instrumentation, Suspendable, Thread Interop • Fibers alone are a bit low-level • (Almost) drop-in replacement for threads 29
  18. #devoxx Channels • Theoretical Foundation:
 Communicating Sequential Processes (Tony Hoare

    1978, https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Communicating_sequential_processes) • Very popular in the „Go“ community • Our example: Clojure core.async 31 Channels
  19. #devoxx 32 (def echo-chan (chan)) (go (println (<! echo-chan))) (>!!

    echo-chan „ketchup") ; => true ; => ketchup go block - like a fiber >!! blocks thread <! blocks go block
  20. #devoxx 33 (def echo-buffer (chan 2)) (>!! echo-buffer "ketchup") ;

    => true (>!! echo-buffer "ketchup") ; => true (>!! echo-buffer "ketchup") ; blocks buffered channel - async
  21. #devoxx 34 (def responses-channel (chan 10)) (go (println (loop [values

    []] (if (= 3 (count values)) values (recur (conj values (<! responses-channel))))))) (defn async-get [url result] (http/get url #(go (>! result (:body %))))) (async-get "http:m-w.com..." responses-channel) (async-get "http:wiktionary.." responses-channel) (async-get "http:urbandictionary.." responses-channel) callback puts result in channel channel for responses Aggregate results recursively
  22. #devoxx Channels • Allows flow-oriented programming, very flexible composition (e.g.

    alts!) • Sanity through sequencing • go block / thread duality allows integration with both async and sync libraries • Channels as keepers of state? 35 Channels Summary
  23. #devoxx Channels • Event loop model - think node.js •

    „multi event loop“, on the JVM • Polyglot - Java, Scala, Clojure, JRuby, JS.. • Deploy small pieces (Verticles) and have them send JSON to each other 37 vert.x
  24. #devoxx 38 public class Receiver extends AbstractVerticle { @Override public

    void start() throws Exception { EventBus eb = vertx.eventBus(); eb.consumer("ping-address", message -> { System.out.println("Received message: " + message.body()); // Now send back reply message.reply("pong!"); }); System.out.println("Receiver ready!"); } } register on event bus extend Verticle connect
  25. #devoxx 39 MessageConsumer<JsonObject> consumer = eventBus.consumer("definer.task"); consumer.handler(message -> { httpClient.getNow(message.body().getString("host"),

    message.body().getString("path"), httpClientResponse -> { httpClientResponse.bodyHandler(buffer -> { eventBus.send("collector", new JsonObject() .put(...) callback based async http register send result as message
  26. #devoxx 40 Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(); EventBus eventBus = vertx.eventBus();

    DeploymentOptions options = new DeploymentOptions().setInstances(sources.size()); vertx.deployVerticle("de.huehnken.concurrency.Task", options, msg -> { for (String currentKey : sources.keySet()) { eventBus.send("definer.task", new JsonObject() .put(..) which one gets the message? deploy multiple
  27. #devoxx 41 private final Map<String, String> store = new HashMap<>();

    @Override public void start(Future<Void> startFuture) { EventBus eventBus = vertx.eventBus(); MessageConsumer<JsonObject> consumer = eventBus.consumer("collector"); consumer.handler(message -> { store.put(message.body().getString(„key"), message.body().getString("definition")); wait for results.. encapsultate state in Verticle messages are usually JSON
  28. #devoxx Channels • Loose coupling - very • Sanity through

    events („single thread illusion“) • Hybrid thread model allows integration of synchronous APIs, off-loading work from event loop • State handling needs some care • Utility APIs are callback heavy, node inspired • Distributed! Unified model for local and distributed concurrency 43 vert.x Summary
  29. #devoxx Channels • The actor model [..] is a [model]

    that treats "actors" as the universal primitives of concurrent computation: in response to a message that it receives, an actor can make local decisions, create more actors, send more messages, and determine how to respond to the next message received. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model • Described by Carl Hewitt 1973 • Popular in the Erlang community 45 Akka
  30. #devoxx 49 class Coordinator(searchTerm: String) extends Actor { var results

    = Map[String, String]() def receive = { case StartCommand => sources foreach { case (key, url) => context.actorOf(Task.props(key, self)) ! GetDefinition(url) } context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(5 seconds, self, Done) case Result(key, definition) => results += key -> definition if (results.size == sources.size) { self ! Done } case Done => spawn child actors, send command encapsulate state aggregate results
  31. #devoxx 50 class Task(key: String, coordinator: ActorRef) extends Actor {

    def receive = { case GetDefinition(url) => http.singleRequest(HttpRequest(uri = url)) pipeTo self case HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, headers, entity, _) => coordinator ! Result(key, entity.dataBytes.utf8String) case HttpResponse(code, _, _, _) => // handle error send result to aggregator async call, translated to message
  32. #devoxx Channels • Sanity through messages („single thread illusion“) •

    Messages (as opposed to events) • Dispatchers allows integration of synchronous APIs, off-loading work from event loop • pipeTo & ask to integrate with async APIs • Distributed! Unified model for local and distributed concurrency. • Supervision! Fault handling enforced. 52 Actors Summary
  33. #devoxx 53 Programming model chart Tasks (sub- thread level) Asynchronous

    Messaging Distribution (unified model) Supervision Fibers ✔ Channels (core.async) ✔ ✔ Event Bus (vert.x) ✔ ✔ ✔ Aktoren (Akka) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
  34. #devoxx • Concurrency is interesting
 • Threads are passé, we

    want a better abstraction on top of it • Alternatives are available today
 • If you only have time to look at one model, I recommend Akka 54 Summary
  35. #devoxx 58 (def x (agent 0)) (defn increment [c n]

    (+ c n)) (send x increment 5) ; @x -> 5 (send x increment 10) ; @x -> 15 „wrap“ a value in an agent send the code to the agent to modify value! a function
  36. #devoxx Agents • The agent encapsulates state • Send code

    to the agent to change value • Interesting feature especially for functional programming • Async execution, but not really a concurrency model 59
  37. #devoxx Beware of the benchmark! • Unfit: CPU bound •

    Also unfit: Anything using blocking I/O • It’s not about single request performance, it’s about scalability! 60
  38. #devoxx But I just want to build a little REST

    service.. • If you don’t program on this level yourself: know you frameworks! • Look out for „reactive“ or „async“ • Play! • Vert.x • Akka HTTP • (Pivotal Reactor ? Rat pack ?) 61
  39. #devoxx For completeness • Quasar also offers Channels, and even

    Actors • Akka also offers a Bus, and Agents. • A lot of this comes from outside of the JVM (Go Channels, node.js, Erlang Actors) 62
  40. #devoxx Image Credits Cat on hot tin roof - from

    "McPhillamyActorBlog" - http://mcphillamy.com Agents - from "Matrix Wiki" - http://matrix.wikia.com/wiki/Agent Event Loop - http://www.freeimages.com/photo/big-looping-1522456 Channel - http://www.freeimages.com/photo/white-cliffs-of-dover-1256973 Fibers - http://www.freeimages.com/photo/fiber-optics-1503081 64