Kate Drane: Indiegogo - Making Hardware Smarter, Faster
This is a talk by Kate Drane, Head of Hardware at Indiegogo, presented at Makerland 2014 conference. It's a story about running your hardware crowdfunding campaign.
was engaging and unique Compelling description of the program using images to break up the text Budget was realistic for their product and timeline Multiple people from Misfit Wearables on campaign team Teams with 4+ people raise 70% more on average $846,438 raised 7954 funders from 85 countries Press coverage in Gizmodo, ABC News, TechCrunch, Forbes, BBC News, The Wall Street Journal + dozens of other outlets
prove demand, and build products in a rapid, user-centered design cycle. By reaching out on Indiegogo, we can assess our demand, build a stronger relationship with our early adopters, and use feedback to make our product as amazing as possible.” -- Misfit Shine Case Study: Misfit Shine