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ENS Learning session at Browsers 3000

ENS Learning session at Browsers 3000

Makoto Inoue

July 12, 2021

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  1. Agenda - 1. Registering (.eth/.xyz) - 2. Adding basic ENS

    support - 3. ENS contracts overview
  2. Steps - 1. Setup Wallet(Metamask) - 2. Get ETH (test

    faucet https://faucet.goerli.mudit.blog) - 3. Visit https://app.ens.domains
  3. Steps - 1. yarn “create eth-app my-eth-app” - 2. Install

    ethers.js - 3. provider.resolveName provider.lookupAddress
  4. 💰 Browsers 3000 Prize: $150 in ETH to each of

    the 5 best projects to integrate ENS https://medium.com/the-ethereum-name-service/ens-integration-best-practices-313d6fbd358