༻ɻϗετຖͷϓʔϧ44-ͷઃఆBQQMJDBUJPODPOGɻ Sample code of Akka HTTP client trait HttpClients extends ActorSystemAware { // Type parameter [T] means to keep path-through data in Flow’s I/O. def forUri[T](apiUrl: Uri): Flow[(HttpRequest, T), (Try[HttpResponse], T), HostConnectionPool] = { val host = apiUrl.authority.host.toString val port = apiUrl.authority.port val hostSettings = resolveHostSpecificSettings(host) | defaultConnectionPoolSettings val sslCtxt = Global.clientHttpsContext | Http().defaultClientHttpsContext (apiUrl.scheme, port) match { case ("http" , 0) => Http().cachedHostConnectionPool[T](host, settings = hostSettings) case ("http" , _) => Http().cachedHostConnectionPool[T](host, port, hostSettings) case ("https", 0) => Http().cachedHostConnectionPoolHttps[T](host, connectionContext = sslCtxt , settings = hostSettings) case ("https", _) => Http().cachedHostConnectionPoolHttps[T](host, port, sslCtxt, hostSettings) case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException } // ....... } This time it is an API Gateway server, so we set up endpoints host connection pool. The number of connection pools and the setting of SSL for each host is basically set in application.conf.