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OML usage highlight: Oracle Process Automation ...

OML usage highlight: Oracle Process Automation with Real-time OML Services scoring

This week in our Office Hours for Oracle Machine Learning on Autonomous Database Ralf Mueller, Architect for Oracle Intelligent Automation provided the architecture and demo of integrating Process Automation with direct calls for scoring OML models using the OML Services REST APIs in real-time.

The Oracle Machine Learning product family supports data scientists, analysts, developers, and IT to achieve data science project goals faster while taking full advantage of the Oracle platform.

The Oracle Machine Learning Notebooks offers an easy-to-use, interactive, multi-user, collaborative interface based on Apache Zeppelin notebook technology, and support SQL, PL/SQL, Python and Markdown interpreters. It is available on all Autonomous Database versions and Tiers, including the always-free editions.

OML includes AutoML, which provides automated machine learning algorithm features for algorithm selection, feature selection and model tuning, in addition to a specialized AutoML UI exclusive to the Autonomous Database.

OML Services is also included in Autonomous Database, where you can deploy and manage native in-database OML models as well as ONNX ML models (for classification and regression) built using third-party engines, and can also invoke cognitive text analytics.

Marcos Arancibia

May 11, 2021

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  1. Oracle Machine Learning Office Hours Usage Highlight Oracle Process Automation

    with Real-time OML Services scoring with Ralf Müller supported by Marcos Arancibia, Sherry LaMonica & Mark Hornick Product Management, Oracle Machine Learning May 2021
  2. Oracle Process Automation with Real-time OML Services scoring AskTOM Office

    Hours, May 11th, 2021 Ralf Mueller Architect, Intelligent Automation
  3. Safe harbor statement The following is intended to outline our

    general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, timing, and pricing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products may change and remains at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation. Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates 3
  4. Agenda • Digital Process Automation and Machine Learning • Use

    of OML Services for Real-time scoring in Process Automation • Demo • Roadmap • Q&A Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates 4
  5. Digital Process Automation and Machine Learning Introduction • Digital Process

    Automation helps automate business processes within an organization and improves overall efficiency and effectiveness. While it sounds like BPM, the fundamental difference is that Digital Process Automation assumes that business processes have been digitized already and are ready to be optimized. • Machine Learning is used in Digital Process Automation to • Help users make better decisions. • Help automate tasks that require human involvement (for example Approval Workflows) • Focus on customer outcome • Oracle Machine Learning (OML) Platform is a key enabler for Intelligent Automation 5 Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates 5/11/21
  6. Two patterns for Process – Structured vs Dynamic Structured Business

    Process • Classic sequence-flow based process which has a fixed start and end • Examples: Approvals, Invoice Processing • Modeled using BPMN 2.0 (OMG and ISO Standard) Dynamic Business Process • Event and Data driven execution of Activities • Examples: Insurance Case management, Emergency Response • Modeled using CMMN (OMG Standard) 6 Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates 5/11/21
  7. Use of OML Services for Real- time scoring Copyright ©

    2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates 8
  8. Why OML Services for Real-time scoring? • User Experience •

    No-code, end-to-end Business Analyst friendly • AutoML UI makes it easy to train/select/deploy/manage ML models to production • ML Model Lifecycle Management • ML functionality • Rich set of ML algorithms for Classification, Clustering, Regression, Anomaly Detection, etc. • Support of ONNX based models for Classification and Regression • Cognitive Text Services • Part of Autonomous Database offering 9 Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates 5/11/21
  9. Use of OML Services Real-time scoring in Process Automation •

    Provide additional information for the end user to • Support user to make better decisions • Guidance on next steps in Process • Sentiment on customer comments and document attachments • Assist and reduce human involvement in Process • Automatically act on Task based on Classification Models (e.g. auto-approve) • Automatically send notifications on SLA violations • Automatically trigger Fraud Handling process in the case of fraud detected in data • Text Summaries and Keywords of attachments 10 Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates 5/11/21 OML Services Real-time scoring Decision Support in Customer Desk UI
  10. Intelligent Process Automation • Make Oracle Machine Learning a first-class

    citizen in Process Applications • Enable Process Automation Design-Time tooling for • Browsing and Selection of ML Models from OML Model Repository • Introspection of ML model scoring interfaces for data mapping • Consider predictions and their probabilities in Expression Builders • Enable the use of OML Services Real-time scoring in Business Processes with Machine Learning Activities Roadmap 5/11/21 Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates 13
  11. For more information on OML Services Copyright © 2021, Oracle

    and/or its affiliates 14 Documentation available at: https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/autonomous-data-warehouse-cloud/omlss/index.html
  12. On our GitHub, you can find: Copyright © 2021, Oracle

    and/or its affiliates 15 github.com/oracle/oracle-db-examples/tree/master/machine-learning • Example Notebooks in OML4SQL and OML4Python • SQL code examples for DB 18c, 19c and 21c • Labs folder with OML4Py HOL Labs • OML Services demos including Cognitive Text Demos, in PostMan collections
  13. Next Session: Hands-On Lab using Oracle Machine Learning Services on

    Autonomous Database Invite your colleagues, customers and partners! May 18, 2021 https://asktom.oracle.com/pls/apex/asktom.search?oh=13662 Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates 16