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duurzaamheid zaal 10 postnl

Marketing OGZ
February 20, 2024

duurzaamheid zaal 10 postnl

Marketing OGZ

February 20, 2024


  1. Marktaandeel re-commerce zal flink groeien 120 miljard (+60%) in 2025

    Verwachting fashion re-commerce €37 mld in 2025
  2. We vinden manieren om producten te bewaren en levensduur te

    verlengen Bron: https://assets.website-files.com/5e185aa4d27bcf348400ed82/63ecb3ad94e12d3e5599cf54_CGR%202023%20-%20Report.pdf
  3. Stappen die we samen gezet hebben sinds maart 2023 ✓

    Expert groep traject ✓ Commitment sessie C-level ✓ Presentatie Shopping Today ✓ Lancering blue paper ✓ Presentatie WWVD
  4. Zwaartepunt impact voor ieder bedrijf anders Materialen en ontwerp Impact

    van productie Verpakking en vervoer Gebruik van spullen Educatie van consument
  5. Vliegwiel circulair shoppen in 2030 Product Services Gedrag consumenten Beprijzing

    Materialen Logistiek Hoe we samenwerken Stap 1 Inzicht in huidige circulaire waardecreatie Stap 2 Bepaal ambitieniveau hefbomen Stap 3 Identificeer mogelijkheden samenwerking en opschaling
  6. Product Services Gedrag consumenten Beprijzing Materialen Logistiek Packaging Repair ‘Saaie

    doos’ & ‘Zo opgelost’ Service planet | check Returns (laptops) Donations Voedselbank, Kringloop & Stichting Jarige Job Renewi Waste recycling Wecycle/ Stichting Open Elektronics NoPack Post NL recycling e-waste (antwoordnr) Auction for returns Dynalogic MDA Reusable Packaging Pilot with PostNL Optimal Delivery Day Climate Neutral Certification since 2022 100% Dutch local & green electricity Sustainable Labelling Packaging machines 75% no filling materials Climate Neutral Certified packaging Sustainable Ecosystem for partners Holiday Season Campaigns on sustainable assortment Pilot for partners Advertising Sustainable assortment Bewust Bezorgd Thuiswinkel.org Trade-in service for phones | Recommerce NoPack Reusable Packaging Parcel Stations Increased visibility of sustainable assortment in campaigns B Corp certification Ampère Combined orders Consortium Reusable Packaging Thuiswinkel.org Sustainable Assortment ‘Retourdeals’ 2nd hand books and media Milieu Centraal Single use plastic ban 2023 Wat we zelf doen Samenwerken met 3rd partij
  7. Product Services Gedrag consumenten Beprijzing Materialen Logistiek Redesign: roll cages

    made from less material (steel), less weight Redesign: Envelopes made from wastestream beet pulp Redesign: cocreation of light electric vehicles. Smaller and - 10x energy use Creating more equal flow in logistics Several re-usable packaging (Fashionpack; Pilot with bol.com) Reusable pallet boxes (162.000kg single use carton & 720.000kg of single use wood less p/y) Reduce: better material Mailbags that lasts longer High use of biofuels made of waste streams: 70%< total network Refurbished bikes and batteries (TGN) Retail furniture second use with Zwartwoud Reusable Huskee cups made of wastestreams at the office (-500.000 single use cups p/y) Reusable & recycled PostNL workwear Repurpose: Too Good to Go headoffice canteen Reduce: reusable plastic daily cards for roll cages instead of paper Drop & Loop Reduce: PostNL bezorgbriefjes (-70.000kg paper p/y) Proposition Collection e-waste Returning option via your deliverer Proposition Antwoordnummer textile Collaboration reshare Leger des heils API check-out green delivery option PostNL pakketmaatje Sustainable delivery options: APL, safe place, PostNL locations Q4 2023: Program: Shop bewust, “kies voor duurzaam” Annual campagnes for reducing air and packaging materials Dm3 pricing Digital stamps and labels are cheaper 2023 Wat we zelf doen Samenwerken met 3rd partij
  8. PostNL Als enabler van een circulaire economie Overal elke dag

    in elke straat van Nederland Ondersteunen circulaire proposities van onze klanten Herbruikbare verpakkingen Dichtbij de consument met 9 mln gebruikers in de PostNL app
  9. Wat we zelf doen Samenwerken met 3rd partij Product Services

    Gedrag consumenten Beprijzing Materialen Logistiek 2030! Focus on long lasting articles Collab with DHL Reusable packaging for delivery to all our shops Collab with Tex Tracer Traceability for all our Tier 1 - 4 suppliers 100% of our collection is made of more sustainable materials Ecodesign is the standard Collab with our suppliers Cost for returns Collab with e-com retailers Collab with TexTracer Communication of impact per garrment Collab with GS1, Glimpact, Tex. Tracer Repair is the first option Collab with local repair shops Use recycled materials, post- consumer textiles Collab with design team intern & extern Collab with Wolkat Rethink our collection: reusable packaging for delivery to our customers Collab with DHL transparency for our customers Shift from Black Friday to Green Friday Note: Livera’s ambitions for 2030 are still under development: these are ideas that we might think of to accelerate sustainable designing and circulair shopping
  10. Vraag: Wat doe jij met je oude kleding? ✓ In

    de textielbak? ✓ Of bij het restafval? ✓ Repair?