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EV-ICT Data Expo 2024

Marketing OGZ
September 13, 2024

EV-ICT Data Expo 2024

Marketing OGZ

September 13, 2024


  1. Why eV-ict is different from BI or AI Connect complete

    sources for further reporting Pick info pieces to support specific report requests Traditional BI Approach eV-ict Approach Derive and generate answers and conclusions AI Approach
  2. Why is eV-ict different from BI or AI Connect complete

    sources for further reporting Pick info pieces to support specific report requests Traditional BI Approach eV-ict Approach Derive and generate answers and conclusions AI Approach • New report request = new report development • When grouped or consolidated info is used: • source details lost and • downdrilling not available • Source info remains available and verifiable • Adding a new source allows correlating with all elements of that source • All data ready for presentation • Data not company specific enough • One-way process to derive conclusions • No way to verify the decision process • Source details lost
  3. Where are your IT costs ? BU X Dept BU

    - IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept BU 1 Dept BU - IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept BU 2 Dept BU - IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept BU 3 Dept BU - IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept CORP - IT CORP - FIN CORP - HRM CORPORATION
  4. Where are your IT costs ? Only in the green

    departments? BU X Dept BU - IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept BU 1 Dept BU - IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept BU 2 Dept BU - IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept BU 3 Dept BU - IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept CORP - IT CORP - FIN CORP - HRM CORPORATION What happened to: + Buying authority per department + Purchased SAAS services + Integration projects + Interdisciplinary teams + Cross departmental initiatives + Decentralised ICT roles + Shared Service Centers + Shadow IT
  5. IT costs hidden everywhere ! BU X Dept BU -

    IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept BU 1 Dept BU - IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept BU 2 Dept BU - IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept BU 3 Dept BU - IT Dept Dept Dept Dept BU - FIN BU - HRM Dept CORP - IT CORP - FIN CORP - HRM CORPORATION
  6. Finding all IT costs: 3 different views What am I

    paying for? Is the technology present? Do I use it?
  7. Usage View Financial View Technology View IT costs: Combining 3

    different views Is this a possible sign of risk, absense or abuse? Is information consistent between different sources?
  8. Usage View Financial View Technology View IT costs: Combining 3

    different views • Paid for • Not used • Technology not found • Using it • Not paid for • Technology not found • Technology present • Not paid for • Not using it
  9. Usage View Financial View Technology View IT costs: Combining 3

    different views • Paid for • Technology present • Not used • Using it • Not paid for • Technology not found • Technology present • Using it • Not paid for • Paid for • Technology present • Using it
  10. Paying for it Technology present Using it Possible issues All

    OK; In control Savings potential? Delivery? Fake bill? Future costs? Shadow IT? Security? Security? Compliance? Security risk? Savings?
  11. Using intelligent correlation techniques On top of BI methods: eV-ict

    first makes data sources consistent Content analysis leading to leading to ever improving interpretation-engines Source System 1 Source System 2 Source System 3 Maintaining data source traceability by design Unique data model geared for reporting and analysis
  12. The eV-ict promise…. What this could mean for you? Visit

    us at booth 45 www.eV-ict.com eV-ict finds new insights for you