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TechTalk 2o22 - Monorepos in JavaScript & TypeS...

TechTalk 2o22 - Monorepos in JavaScript & TypeScript

Monorepos are there in existence for many years - the reasons for any frontend/web team to opt for monorepo may be different but boil down to mainly these points: Re-usability of common code, configurations, components, etc. Ease of new project setup and no explicit yarn linking of different packages OR switching between repos while doing development. Let's explore some common use cases and tools used for this purpose and discuss potential problems with this approach.

Marko Arsić

November 09, 2022

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  1. HypeTech Jobs Job opportunities at hype tech companies hypetechjobs.com |

    hypetech.io | reactweek.dev Marko Arsić Founder and CEO @ HypeTech Founder of HypeTech Education Lecturer @ ReactWeek.dev Independent Tech Consultant Helping companies set up teams and standardize the development process github.com/marsicdev
  2. A monorepo is a project which contains smaller projects --

    whereas each project can be anything from individual application to reusable package (e.g. functions, components, services).
  3. The practice of combining projects dates back to the early

    2000 when it was called a shared codebase.
  4. In a monolithic application all smaller projects are combined into

    one large project. A monorepo can combine its smaller projects into multiple projects. source: robinwieruch.de
  5. 1 - Re-usability of common code, configurations, components, etc. 2

    - Better Developer Experience 3 - Ease of new project setup
  6. Shared packages can be used in multiple applications on a

    local machine without an online registry (e.g. npm).
  7. Improves collaboration across codebases. Teams working on different projects can

    improve the codebases from other teams without working on multiple repositories.
  8. A monorepo can contain multiple applications (here: apps) whereas each

    application has access to shared set of packages.
  9. A package, which is just a folder, can be anything

    from UI components (e.g. framework specific components) over functions (e.g. utilities) to configuration (e.g. ESLint, TypeScript)
  10. Monorepos are becoming more popular these days, because they allow

    you to split your source code into multiple applications/packages (opinionated monorepo structure) while still being able to manage everything at one place.
  11. The first enabler for having a monorepo in the first

    place are Workspaces. yarn workspaces can be considered default, but npm and pnpm come with workspaces as well.
  12. Q & A As everything good in life, knowledge is

    great only when shared https://discord.gg/94uhCAkFKf