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Ultimate React Component Patterns with TypeScript

Ultimate React Component Patterns with TypeScript

React and TypeScript, the ultimate duo for writing web apps with top notch developer experience. But where to start? What are the gotchas? In this live coding session we will cover all React Component patterns techniques backed by excellent DX and type safety with TypeScript ⚛⚛⚛.

Martin Hochel

April 13, 2019

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  1. Martin Hochel UI Tech Lead @Twisto, GDE WEB Prague /

    Czech Republic @martin_hotell medium.com/@martin_hotell github.com/hotell
  2. What this talk is NOT Deep dive about What is

    React ? What is TypeScript ?
  3. Render Prop / Children as a Function ( CaaF )

    <⚛> { (p) => <⚛> } </⚛> props.children(props) API