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T3CON14EU: Migrating from TYPO3 CMS to TYPO3 Flow

T3CON14EU: Migrating from TYPO3 CMS to TYPO3 Flow

License: CC BY-SA

With the release of TYPO3 Flow in 2011 and TYPO3 Neos in 2012, a both flexible and powerful platform was introduced as a possible successor for TYPO3 CMS. However, migration from TYPO3 CMS to TYPO3 Flow and Neos is still presents a challenge due to large conceptual differences between the two systems.

This talk aims at presenting an approach how a (semi) automated migration of TYPO3 CMS to TYPO3 Flow and Neos could be achieved.

Martin Helmich

October 09, 2014

More Decks by Martin Helmich

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Migrating from TYPO3 CMS to TYPO3 Flow 10th International TYPO3

    Conference, October 9th, Berlin CC BY Serge Melki https://www.flickr.com/photos/sergemelki/8156340258 Martin Helmich [email protected]
  2. although... page  =  PAGE   page  {      

     10  =  TEMPLATE      10  {          template  =  FILE          template.file  =  fileadmin/site.html            marks  {              CONTENT  <  styles.content.get              CONTENT_RIGHT  <  styles.content.getRight          }      }     }   page  =  TYPO3.Neos:Page  {      body  {          templatePath  =   'resource://My.Site/.../Site.html'            content  {              main  =  PrimaryContent  {                  nodePath  =  'main'              }              right  =  ContentCollection  {                  nodePath  =  'right'              }          }            
  3. TYPO3 CMS (Extbase) TYPO3 Flow ? Classes/ Controller/ Domain/ …

    Configuration/ TypoScript/ TCA/ Resources/ Public/ Private/ ext_emconf.php ext_tables.php ext_tables.sql Classes/ Controller/ Domain/ … Configuration/ Migrations/ Mysql/ Resources/ Public/ Private/ composer.json
  4. TYPO3 CMS (Extbase) TYPO3 Flow class  Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Car  extends    

       Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity  {        /**        *  @var  string        *  @validate  notempty        */      protected  $licenseNumber;        /**        *  @var  Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Manufacturer        */      protected  $manufacturer;   }   namespace  My\Ext\Domain\Model;   use  TYPO3\Flow\Annotations  as  Flow;   use  Doctrine\ORM\Mapping  as  ORM;     /**    *  @Flow\Entity    */   class  Car  {        /**        *  @var  string        *  @Flow\Validate('NotEmpty')        */      protected  $licenseNumber;        /**        *  @var  Manufacturer        *  @ORM\ManyToOne        */      protected  $manufacturer;   }  
  5. TYPO3 CMS (Extbase) TYPO3 Flow class  Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Car  extends    

       Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity  {        /**        *  @var  string        *  @validate  notempty        */      protected  $licenseNumber;        /**        *  @var  Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Manufacturer        */      protected  $manufacturer;   }   namespace  My\Ext\Domain\Model;   use  TYPO3\Flow\Annotations  as  Flow;   use  Doctrine\ORM\Mapping  as  ORM;     /**    *  @Flow\Entity    */   class  Car  {        /**        *  @var  string        *  @Flow\Validate('NotEmpty')        */      protected  $licenseNumber;        /**        *  @var  Manufacturer        *  @ORM\ManyToOne        */      protected  $manufacturer;   }   Namespacify classes when necessary
  6. TYPO3 CMS (Extbase) TYPO3 Flow class  Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Car  extends    

       Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity  {        /**        *  @var  string        *  @validate  notempty        */      protected  $licenseNumber;        /**        *  @var  Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Manufacturer        */      protected  $manufacturer;   }   namespace  My\Ext\Domain\Model;   use  TYPO3\Flow\Annotations  as  Flow;   use  Doctrine\ORM\Mapping  as  ORM;     /**    *  @Flow\Entity    */   class  Car  {        /**        *  @var  string        *  @Flow\Validate('NotEmpty')        */      protected  $licenseNumber;        /**        *  @var  Manufacturer        *  @ORM\ManyToOne        */      protected  $manufacturer;   }   Determine domain object type by class inheritance and add annotation
  7. TYPO3 CMS (Extbase) TYPO3 Flow class  Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Car  extends    

       Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity  {        /**        *  @var  string        *  @validate  notempty        */      protected  $licenseNumber;        /**        *  @var  Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Manufacturer        */      protected  $manufacturer;   }   namespace  My\Ext\Domain\Model;   use  TYPO3\Flow\Annotations  as  Flow;   use  Doctrine\ORM\Mapping  as  ORM;     /**    *  @Flow\Entity    */   class  Car  {        /**        *  @var  string        *  @Flow\Validate('NotEmpty')        */      protected  $licenseNumber;        /**        *  @var  Manufacturer        *  @ORM\ManyToOne        */      protected  $manufacturer;   }   Convert annotations.
  8. TYPO3 CMS (Extbase) TYPO3 Flow class  Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Car  extends    

       Tx_Extbase_DomainObject_AbstractEntity  {        /**        *  @var  string        *  @validate  notempty        */      protected  $licenseNumber;        /**        *  @var  Tx_MyExt_Domain_Model_Manufacturer        */      protected  $manufacturer;   }   namespace  My\Ext\Domain\Model;   use  TYPO3\Flow\Annotations  as  Flow;   use  Doctrine\ORM\Mapping  as  ORM;     /**    *  @Flow\Entity    */   class  Car  {        /**        *  @var  string        *  @Flow\Validate('NotEmpty')        */      protected  $licenseNumber;        /**        *  @var  Manufacturer        *  @ORM\ManyToOne        */      protected  $manufacturer;   }   Determine association cardinality from TCA
  9. some other stuff to think about usage of TYPO3 APIs

    (aka. the infamous t3lib_div) Convert locallang to XLIFF create doctrine migrations from ext_tables.sql domain models extending TYPO3 classes different value object handling
  10. TYPO3 CMS (pibase) TYPO3 Flow lib/ pi1/ class.tx_myext_pi1.php static/ res/

    ext_emconf.php ext_tables.php ext_tables.sql Classes/ Controller/ Domain/ Plugin/ … Configuration/ Migrations/ Mysql/ Resources/ Public/ Private/ composer.json ?
  11. class  tx_myext_pi1  extends  tslib_pibase  {      public  function  main($conf,

     $content)  {          $mainTemplate  =  $this-­‐>cObj-­‐>fileResource(...);          $rowTemplate    =  $this-­‐>cObj-­‐>fileResource(...);          $userRes  =  $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']-­‐>exec_SELECTquery(              '*',  'tx_myext_users',  'deleted=0  AND  active=1'          );          while($user  =  $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']-­‐>sql_fetch_assoc($userRes))  {              $markers  =  [                  "###NAME###"    =>  $user['name'],                  "###EMAIL###"  =>  $user['email']              ];              $content  .=  $this-­‐>cObj-­‐>substituteMarkerArray(                  $rowTemplate,  $markers              );          }            $markers  =  ['###USERS###'  =>  $content];          return  $this-­‐>cObj-­‐>substituteMarkerArray($mainTemplate,  $markers);      }   }  
  12. Doctrine 2 DBAL Doctrine 2 ORM Flow Resource Mgmt. Flow

    MVC Stack Pain abstraction layer The world of pain (old code)
  13. namespace  My\Ext\Plugin;   class  UserListPlugin  extends  \Mw\T3Compat\Plugin\BasePlugin  {    

     public  function  main($conf,  $content)  {          $mainTemplate  =  $this-­‐>cObj-­‐>fileResource(...);          $rowTemplate    =  $this-­‐>cObj-­‐>fileResource(...);          $userRes  =  $this-­‐>database-­‐>exec_SELECTquery(              '*',  'tx_myext_users',  'deleted=0  AND  active=1'          );          while($user  =  $this-­‐>database-­‐>sql_fetch_assoc($userRes))  {              $markers  =  [                  "###NAME###"    =>  $user['name'],                  "###EMAIL###"  =>  $user['email']              ];              $content  .=  $this-­‐>cObj-­‐>substituteMarkerArray(                  $rowTemplate,  $markers              );          }            $markers  =  ['###USERS###'  =>  $content];          return  $this-­‐>cObj-­‐>substituteMarkerArray($mainTemplate,  $markers);      }   }