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How can I use a Service Blueprint for research ...

How can I use a Service Blueprint for research synthesis?

Master Service Design HSLU

November 29, 2024


  1. What is a service Blueprint? It gives you not just

    the end-to-end view of the experience, but also exposes the “behind-the-scenes” work that goes into creating and delivering that experience Helps you see the experience a customer has with your service from a holistic viewpoint Exposes the behind the scenes Holistic viewpoint.
  2. long enough to cover the essence Short enough to engage

    make the blueprint “just right”!
  3. Service Blueprint mistakes: Creating too complex Service Blueprints Creating just

    one Service Blueprint. Stopping at the Blueprint. 1 2 3
  4. Tip: Create a “light” version—remove unnecessary details and compare it

    with the original. Share the simplified version for clarity and impact A Service Blueprint should be a concise summary, not an exhaustive manual. Creating too complex Service Blueprints
  5. Tip: Design at least three distinct versions to present multiple

    perspectives and foster collaboration. A single blueprint limits exploration. Creating just one Service Blueprint.
  6. Tip: Use it to identify changes, implement new experiences, and

    evolve the service based on insights A blueprint is a diagnostic or prototype, not the destination. Stopping at the Blueprint.
  7. When Blueprinting work When you need a holistic approach to

    uncover the root problems “wicked” problems Experiences that are cross channel
  8. Map out the current state Use research data to map

    the customer journeys To identify all high impact scenarios in the space identify supporting tools or systems customer journeys front and backstage supporting tools
  9. Cluster Insights Look for patterns across customer actions and service

    layers. Synthesize insights by grouping related pain points, inefficiencies, or system constraints. Understand how elements influence one another (e.g., a backstage bottleneck affecting frontstage actions) Patterns Synthesize insights Elements influence one another
  10. Identify Independencies front and backstage activities teams or departments manual

    and automated processes uncover relationships look for missalignments
  11. Define Opportunities identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies high effort low impact

    opportunities for improvement or immovation Use it to