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Learning by teaching: How to prepare a co-creat...


Learning by teaching: How to prepare a co-creative workshop

Master Service Design HSLU

November 01, 2024


  1. When designing a workshop itsnt not only about activities: Its

    many decisions:  Venue; food; etc The right food mattersa d No sugar and not processed snacks, like fruiti d Focusing on cold meali d Salad baI d Stay healthy
 When the meal is cold it means you could stay flexible to decide when you can have a break No energy crushes Workshop preparation stage:
  2. When you don’t have enough time to prepare for the

    workshop: 3 Expectations: Ask each participant to write down their expectations on a sticky note 3 Turn expectations into goal) 3 Craft your own timing and define time limits for every group of expecation) 3 Add 15 minutes buffers to avoid stress WORKSHOP PREPARATION STAGE
  3. Workshop: To ensure that you get best results possible in

    your workshop:  Homework for participants: Give people homework to do before a workshop. Interview participants to verify your assumptions: “What would be the dream result for you at the end of this session?" "What do you usually hate about workshops?"
  4. Workshop timing: Create a workshop schedule with a breakdown of

    every activity Use a timer Add the starting time for each activity. Add 30 min buffer at the end as a margin for error
  5. Working with big groups framework: Assign people to a subgroup

    Solo brainstorming: Before people go to work in their subgroup, they get some time to think on their own, on the task of their subgroup, and if they have an interest for the work of another subgroup, they can also jot down a few ideas. Sub-group work: People share their ideas from their solo brainstorming and prepare a pitch they'll share in 5 minutes to all the other teams. Pitching all together: Each group presents his results, feedback and improvement ideas get collected (for example ideas from the solo brainstorming from people who weren't in that group)
  6. A shared canvas makes it easier When people have to

    work in subgroups clear instructions help. To make them even clearer having them in writing and easily accessible helps a lot.
  7. Plan for extra synthesis time When working with such large

    groups, especially when the ideas are very divergent, I recommend that you don't put too much pressure on making the perfect synthesis on the spot. But instead, keep the workshop as a place where quick decisions can be taken, and some elements are left open for further reflection by a smaller team later.
  8. What is a Workshopper? Facilitator A guide Take off small

    decisions to let team focus on solutions Don’t need to be Expert in the field Unlocks people’s superpower
  9. How to become a Workshopper? Mindset and Theory Facilitation Skills

    Improvisation and team dynamics/energy management Combine and Create Modular How to create your own workshops The Toolkit Battle Tested Workshop recipes
  10. The perfect workshop frameworkW I collect: where the scope of

    work for a project or challenge is defined0 I choose: gives clear direction and acts as a foundation for everything else0 I create: Solutions don’t need to be final - it’s about creating multiple potential solutions0 I commit: commit to a small number of solutions that will be execute7 " any type of workshop for any type of problem0 " workshop supply case: different sticky notes / markers p.P. / sticky dots / notebooks p.P. / plain printer paper / adhesive whiteboard / whiteboard markers / timer-clock The 4C’s Framework
  11. V Goal:D 2 The goal of the Collect phase is

    to collect challenges and data from a team, then visualize it in a way that’s easy for everyone to understandT 2 categorized but non-prioritized list of challenges and issueB V avoid common problemsI 2 not all participants get to speaÀ 2 different issues are mixe# 2 Solutions discussed to earl 2 follow-up meeting instead of action itemB 2 people lose trust in collaboration The 4C’s Framework: Collect
  12. D The Choose phase is all about prioritization and selecting

    a challenge: choosing what to focus on, and what not to focus on! D Goal:3 9 The Choose phase is all about prioritization and selecting a challenge: choosing what to focus on, and what not to focus on 9 prevent group from discussing too much The 4C’s Framework: Chose
  13. G The goal of the Create phase of a workshop

    is to generate lots of solutions to the prioritized problem G Step 1: GeneratV G Step 2: CuratV G Step 3: VotV G Step 4: Arrange By the end of the Create phase you want to have a handful of prioritized solutions to take into the next phase: the Commit phase. The 4C’s Framework: Create
  14. 0 By the end of the Create phase you want

    to have a handful of prioritized solutions to take into the next phase: the Commit phaseÉ 0 Step 1: Create effort/impact scalC 0 Step 2: Add solutions/idea" 0 Step 3: turn ideas into action" 0 Step 4: Document and assign tasks The 4C’s Framework: Commit