These commands will be group together as an operation – Transactions are supposed to be ACID, but what does that mean? • ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability • ATOMICITY – All or nothing – All of the operations must be succeed or all fails. In other word if one command fails other will fail too • CONSYSTENCY – Means that any transaction should take the system from one consistency o another – In other words, only valid changes to the data will take a place • ISOLATION – Any pear of transactions should not be effecting the same row at once • DURABILITY – Once the transaction is committed, its result will not be lost forever Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 2
– BEGIN • To end transaction – COMMIT • To cancel transaction – ROLLBACK – Example • BEGIN; SELECT * FROM [table name] COMMIT; – Control Transactions • It is possible to control the commit in transactions using SAVEPOINT Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 3
of transaction and discard other parts – How to use SAVE POINT: • BEGIN UPDATE x SET y=20 WHERE 1 SAVEPOINT [save point name] UPDATE z SET a=14 WHERE 1 SOLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT [save point name] COMMIT; • Everything before save point will be committed and everything after save point will be discarded – Destroy SAVE POINT • To destroy a save point we use RELEASE – RELEASE SAVEPOINT [save point name] • After deletion of save point if we try to ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT [save point name] it will show an error! Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 4
hold locks at other transactions at once – As we saw before, same operations on same rows in transaction can not be happen – If we do, it will be wait until first transaction done. – DEADLOCK • For instance: if we start a transaction one[1] and after that start the transaction two[2] and in transaction two[2] we write a command that will be wait for transaction one[1] to be done and after that we do the same in transaction one[1] deadlock will be happen. • At this moment we have to ROLLBACK • If we try to COMMIT, it will automatically ROLLBACK Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 5
automatically called System Columns – List of System Columns • XMIN – Transaction id of the inserting transaction for this row version. It also can be update • ROW VERSION • Is an individual state of a row. Every time we update the row, new row version will be generated • XMAX – Transaction id of deletion row • CTID – Physical location of the row version in the table • OIDS – Table object id – If we want to use OIDS, we should indicate in on the table creation time • CREATE TABLE … WITH OIDS; – Examples: • SELECT oid, tableoid, xmax, xmin FROM [table name] Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 6
column • ALTER [table name] ALTER COLUMN [column name] TYPE [new type] – Change default value of column • ALTER TABLE [table name] ALTER COLUMN [column name] SET DEFAULT [value]; – Unset default value • ALTER TABLE [table name] ALTER COLUMN [column name] SET DEFAULT NULL • ALTER TABLE [table name] ALTER COLUMN [column name] DROP DEFAULT – Add Column • ALTER TABLE [table name] ADD COLUMN [column name] [column type] • ALTER TABLE [table name] ADD COLUMN [column name] [column type] NOT NULL DEFAULT [value] – Remove Column • ALTER TABLE [table name] DROP COLUMN [column name] – Every data and constraints will be deleted – If it has a reference column, we must use CASCADE to remove Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 7
– ALTER TABLE [table name] ADD CONSTRAINT [constraint name] CHECK([condition]) • UNIQUE – ALTER TABLE [table name] ADD CONSTRAINT [constraint name] UNIQUE ([column name]) • FOREIGN KEY – ALTER TABLE [table name] ADD FOREIGN KEY [foreign key name] REFERENCES [reference table name]([reference table column name]) • NOT NULL – ALTER TABLE [table name] ALTER COLUMN [column name] SET NOT NULL – All of the values must satisfy constraints to be done • For instance we have a column that holds null value, now if we set null constraint it will generate an error, because it has a null value. Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 8
TABLE [table name] DROP CONSTRAINT [constraint name] – If it uses a reference we should use CASCADE – Remove Not Null Constraint • ALTER TABLE [table name] ALTER COLUMN [column name] DROP NOT NULL – Rename Column name • ALTER TABLE [table name] RENAME COLUMN [column name] TO [new column name] – Rename Table name • ALTER TABLE [table name] RENAME TO [new table name] Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 9
– Will be true if both left and right operands are true • OR – Will be true if one of the operands is true, otherwise it will be false • NOT – Will be false if the operand is true and will be true if the operand is false – AND / OR has 2 right and left operand – NOT has one operand – Examples: • SELECT * FROM tableTest WHERE x>12 AND y<10 • SELECT * FROM tableTest WHERE x>12 OR y<10 • SELECT * FROM tableTest WHERE NOT x>12 Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 10
> • >= • = • ! – Examples • SELECT * FROM testable WHERE column1!=3600 • SELECT * FROM testable WHERE column1=3600 • SELECT * FROM testable WHERE column1>=3600 • SELECT * FROM testable WHERE column1<=3600 • SELECT * FROM testable WHERE column1>3600 • SELECT * FROM testable WHERE column1<3600 Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 11
range • Example: – SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary BETWEEN 2000 AND 9000 – The less value should be take place in left side of AND operator – SYMETRIC BETWEEN • In this case there would be no force to left operand be greater than right operand • Example – SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary BETWEEN SYMETRIC 9000 AND 2000 – NOT BETWEEN • SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary NOT BETWEEN 5000 AND 6000 Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 12
WHERE salary IS NULL – SELECT * FROM employee WHERE salary IS NOT NULL – SELECT * FROM employee WHERE (salary>3000) IS TRUE – SELECT * FROM employee WHERE (salary>3000) IS NOT TRUE – SELECT * FROM employee WHERE (salary>3000) IS FALSE – SELECT * FROM employee WHERE (salary>3000) IS NOT FALSE – SELECT * FROM employee WHERE (salary>3000) IS UNKNOWN – SELECT * FROM employee WHERE (salary>3000) IS NOT UNKNOWN Rapid POSTGRESQL learning. 13