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An Introduction to REDIS SERVER, an advanced key value

Ali MasudianPour

August 09, 2013

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  1. 2 What REDIS is • Redis is an open source,

    BSD licensed, advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. • REDIS – It stands for REmote DIctionary Server
  2. 3 Features • not a plain key-value store, a data

    structures server • supporting different kind of values • Free and open source • Easy to user • Easy to learn
  3. 4 Supported Data Types • Binary-safe strings. • Lists of

    binary-safe strings. • Sets of binary-safe strings, that are collection of unique unsorted elements. • Sorted sets, similar to Sets but where every element is associated to a floating number score. The elements are taken sorted by score.
  4. 5 KEYS - VALUES • In REDIS, Keys are binary

    safe – This means that you can use any binary sequence as key • From String like 'foo' to the content of a JPEG file – REDIS keys accept empty • In REDIS, Values – Can not be bigger than 512MB –
  5. 6 SET • To set a value to a key

    we use SET statement – SET key value • Example: – SET foo bar – In above example we told redis to set bar value to foo key • To set string value we use double quotations – SET keyname “The string content of value”
  6. 7 GET • To get a value from redis we

    use GET statement – GET keyname • Example – GET foo // it will return bar – In above example we told redis to get foo key value.
  7. 8 INCR, INCRBY • Automatic increment by REDIS – To

    use automatic increment of redis we use INCR • Example: – Set counter 1 incr counter // Output wil be 2 • We can also use INCRBY – Set counter 1 – Incr counter – // Output wil be 2 – Incrby counter 10 – //outpur will be 12
  8. 9 DECR, DECRBY • In opposite of INCR and INCRBY

    redis contains DESC and DESCBY – Just like DECR and DECRBY – Set counter 10 decr counter // Output wil be 9 decrby counter 5 //output will be 4
  9. 10 EXPIRE and TTL • In REDIS we can set

    keys to expire in a given and specific amount of time. – To do that we use EXPIRE command – Example • Set foo bar • Expire foo 50 – To find out how many time a key have we use TTL command • For instance after 10 second of declaring foo key if we use TTL command the output will be something like below: – Ttl foo //40
  10. 11 LISTS • To create a list use LPUSH or

    RPUSH. If a list already exists, LPUSH will add the given value to the beginning of the list and RPUSH will add it to the end. • Redis lists contain the following commands – SORT – RPUSH – LPUSH – LLEN – LTRIM – LRANGE – LPOP – RPOP – BLPOP – BRPOP – And ...
  11. 12 LISTS redis> lpush ages 10 (integer) 1 redis> lpush ages 13 (integer) 2 redis> lpush ages 12 (integer) 3 redis> lpush ages 6 (integer) 4 redis> LRANGE ages 0 3 1) "6" 2) "12" 3) "13" 4) "10" redis> sort ages 1) "6" 2) "10" 3) "12" 4) "13" ----------------------------- redis> lpop ages "6" redis> rpop ages "10" redis> LRANGE ages 0 10 1) "12" 2) "13" redis>
  12. 13 SETS • Sets are similar to lists but does

    not support duplication • Example: – Add to sets • redis> SADD names "Michael" (integer) 1 redis> SADD names "JOHN" (integer) 1 redis> SMEMBERS names 1) "JOHN" 2) "Michael" redis> • SADD adds to set and SMEMMEBRS show the member of set
  13. 14 Lists • Now, if you try to add another

    set member with JOHN value it will do nothing, because sets do not support duplication. • Other useful commands for set – SADD, SREM, SPOP, SMOVE, SCARD, SISMEMBER, SINTER, SINTERSTORE, SUNION, SUNIONSTORE, SDIFF, SDIFFSTORE, SMEMBERS, SRANDMEMBER.
  14. 15 HASHES • Using a hash, you can assign values

    to fields in each key. • Common Commands in hashes are: – HSET, HGET, HSETNX, HMSET, HMGET, HINCRBY, HEXISTS, HDEL, HLEN, HKEYS, HVALS, HGETALL
  15. 16 Example of HASHES redis> hset student name "Ali"

    (integer) 1 redis> hset student lastName "MasudianPour" (integer) 1 redis> hset student number 101222 (integer) 1 redis> hget student name "Ali" redis> hget student lastName "MasudianPour" redis> HGETALL student 1) "name" 2) "Ali" 3) "lastName" 4) "MasudianPour" 5) "number" 6) "101222"
  16. 17 End • This document is provided to be a

    little familiar with REDIS. I hope it help you to start working with REDIS.