1.2. When to use Go SDK 1.3. How to use Go SDK 1.4. Credentials on GCP 2. fsrpl - Firestore replication tool written by Go 2.1. about fsrpl 2.2. Key points for OSS development 4
Get dsnap, err := client.Collection("cities").Doc("BJ").Get(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } var c City dsnap.DataTo(&c) // 👈構造体に fmt.Printf("Document data: %#v\n", c) https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/query-data/get-data#custom_objects
1.2. When to use Go SDK 1.3. How to use Go SDK 1.4. Credentials on GCP 2. fsrpl - Firestore replication tool written by Go 2.1. about fsrpl 2.2. Key points for OSS development 18