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Large Scale Continuous Deployment at GitHub

Large Scale Continuous Deployment at GitHub

Continuous deployment and its preceding steps of continuous integration, code review, coding, testing, and design are done in a very atypical way at GitHub. These techniques result in developer happiness and a culture of innovation while supporting notable levels of uptime and stable application behavior. In the land of GitHub, chat room-listening robots push binaries to production. Feature toggles dominate the landscape of new user interface and business logic elements. Build metadata injects itself into the version control system. Tickets automatically close themselves based on commit messages and branch promotion. Join Matthew for this presentation and find out the way in which this process emerged, how it is under constant adjustment, what has been working well, where some surprises caused a bit of pain, and what we see as our next steps in this radical but effective way to rapidly ship quality products to customers.

Matthew McCullough

December 11, 2013

More Decks by Matthew McCullough

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  1. ! class projects::education-web { github::project { 'education-web': dotenv => true,

    elasticsearch => true, redis => true, ruby => '1.9.3-p231-tcs-github', postgresql => [ 'education_web_development', 'education_web_test' ] } }
  2. !

  3. GITHUB COMMUNITIES 2770 Most Followed Users - JANUARY 2010 Nodes

    size : Edges weight : Number of followers Number of forked projects lifo madrobby mislav simonw akitaonrails cv sinatra defunkt rails thoughtbot 37signals drnic ryanb leah wycats mojombo topfunky jnunemaker technoweenie ezmobius aslakhellesoy richhickey rtomayko textmate ericflo binarylogic schacon dhh jamis L l15n l4rk labria lachie lachlanhardy laguiar lak lancecarlson langalex lapis25 laribee larrytheliquid laruby lawrencec lazyatom ldandersen leah leandrosila leedo leehambley leeky leemhenson leeigraham lejoe lenalena lenn0x Leont leshill lestrrat lethain leto leent lfittl lg lhl lholden lian libin lifechurch lifo lincolnloop lindsayeans linkingpaths littleidea liedoor liyanage liz llimllib lllnorikolll lloyd lmorchard localhost lodewijk loe loiane look lopnor lorn loudej lozzd lrug lrz lsdr lsegal lshepard lsmith lucasdecastro lucashungaro luckiestmonkey luddep luigi luislaena luke0x lukebayes lukec lukego lukeman lukemelia lukeredpath lukesh lukhnos luqui lussumo lxbarth lyokato M m0rk m3nt0r m5h maca maccman machine machu Machx macournoyer macsphere maddingue maddox madpilot MadRabbit madridonrails madrobby madx maedana maggit magicalhat MagLe magnolia maiha makenosound makies makoto makotoworld mala malcolmt malkomalko mallipeddi malsup mame mamuso Manfred manuelpichler maneru maoe Marak marcandre marcel marcelinollano marcoow marcpalmer marcusramberg marianoguerra marinho mariusaeriksen markbates markmansour markng markpasc marksands markstory markstos marshall martinbtt martincik martinjandrews martinstannard marucc maryrosecook masaedw masak masaki MASA-P masartz mash masterkain masuidrie mataki mathie matschaffer matsufuji matsuu mattallen mattb mattball mattbauer mattetti mattgallagher matthew matthewford matthewmccullough matthewpennell matthewrudy matthooks mattknox mattly mattman mattmatt mattn mattpolito mattt mattwynne mattyoho matz mauricio maxim maxime maxlapshin maxy mayuki mbailey mbbx6spp mbleigh mblsha mbrubeck mcantelon mchung 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  4. ! ! –Sheryl Sandburg, COO of Facebook "I'm not sure

    there's room for just management anymore."
  5. "This is so important, we can't entrust it to automation.

    We need our top developer to supervise it."
  6. ! ! –W. Edwards Deming "It is not necessary to

    change. Survival is not mandatory."