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MoZBX: Why Mobile Zabbix Matters

Mattias Geniar
September 21, 2012

MoZBX: Why Mobile Zabbix Matters

A presentation on MoZBX, an unofficial mobile webfrontend designed for smartphone usage for the Zabbix Monitoring Solution.

Mattias Geniar

September 21, 2012

More Decks by Mattias Geniar

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  1. Who  am  I? •  Geek •  Developer •  Automater • 

    DevOps at Nucleus.be •  Blogger at http://mattiasgeniar.be
  2. Own  PHP  API ~  750  lines  of  PHP  code  for

     the  Zabbix  Class Very  easy  PHP,  simple  OO Features  only  the  most  common  tasks •  Get  hosts  /  hostgroups •  Get  triggers,  ack  triggers •  View  graphs Why?  No  choice  back  then.