Basic interaction/ connectivity Entity Mappin and Framework support Toolin Stored procedures and Drivers Libraries and Inte rations on top o Drivers Libraries and tools to make developer li es easier
We were our first users Sprin Data Neo4j without Strin concatenation Type-sa e way to write Statements Think o jOOQ Renders di erent Dialects and/or Formats No need to remember version specific rammar
Pure JDBC Driver Implements Neo4j’s Bolt protocol Cypher statements and (some) SQL Optional Translator support Per ect inte ration into ETL / SQL tools Compatible with the JDBC spec
39 Revamped HTTP server Pro rammin lan ua e a nostic Choose your flavour Simple types or additional type in ormation Works nicely with clusters Read-only queries et redirected to read replicas
43 Neo4j-OGM Livin li e the puristic Java way Neo4j Mi rations Flyway inspired Database Mi rations Sprin or GraphQL / Sprin AI Inte ration o Neo4j rom the library side