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Pechakucha: Influences and Projects

martha pettit
October 31, 2012

Pechakucha: Influences and Projects

Major influences and projects I have worked on

martha pettit

October 31, 2012

Other Decks in Design


  1. average household income before taxes 2007 dollars. Source: Congressional Budget

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  2. 16 20 12 table of contents references The common assumption

    is that there are creative types and non- creative types. traits conditions It has long been asked whether the cultural and societal conditions necessary for individuals to harvest their creative potential can be artificially constructed. techniques The approach taken to educating students and fostering creativity in professionals can undoubtedly leave lasting impressions. 8 creative process The creative process is a method of solving problems big and small, ordinary or complex. 6 creative categories Global innovation is not often the first thing you think about when considering creativity, instead the focus is often on the more self centered aspects of creative thinking. 4 creativity defined Take a broad look at creativity from the perspective of those who have studied and practiced innovation in different disciplines. 24 The following books and articles were most influential in developing this guide. PHASE I PHASE II Key Terms Streaming Word List For five to ten minutes, continuously record keywords and thoughts that materialize. Don’t stop writing for more than a few seconds. Don’t censor yourself. If you draw a blank, quickly glance at what you have written to spur new thoughts. Prototype Refers to any working model, from the outline of a paper to a hypothesis for a science project to computer. Implementation Put prototype into practice and observe reactions from user. If needed, return to the design process for refinement. Quick Tips Don’t worry if you don’t have all the answers; they may come in later stages in the process Consider crazy ideas; don’t be afraid of risk-taking Allow idle time to just think and let ideas marinate, individually and collaboratively Collaborate with other people. Ideas germinate best when working together Interact with tangible things Design is as much cyclical as it is linear; move back and forth between steps until you’re ready to move on creative process IDENTIFY TH E CHALLENGE DESIG N +B UILD TEST+ EVALUATE RESEAR C H REFIN E ID E A G ENERATION 1 5 2 3 4 Isolate the problem Define the constraints Identify the major elements Recognize relationships between elements Clarify goals Observe problem in context Analyze past solutions to similar problems Gather relevant information Qualitative and quantitative data collection Define criteria for assessment Assess prototypes against existing criteria Seek feedback from others Apply research to ideation Rough sketches Streaming list of words Mental meandering Day dreaming More is better Allow incubation Concept selection Synthesize knowledge + ideas Play with idea organization Prototype ideas early and often Refine concepts continually Incorporate best elements into single prototype Continue distilling and adapting prototype Develop final concept for realization 6
  3. “At least 760 campuses, or 30% of all the colleges

    and universities in the country participated in the national student strike.” -Urban Research Corporation, 1970 COMMISSION ON CAMPUS UNRREST MEDIA.LAWRENCE.COM OPENTOQUESTION.ORG NYU.EDU NYU-New York City, NY In the week beginning Sunday May 3, 1970, a number of activities are initiated by large numbers of students and faculty members. Within a few days, several groups of “strikers”, composed of students, a few faculty members, and numbers of individuals not affiliated with the University, assume an opposition stance toward the University itself. The Strikers assume a forceful occupation of university buildings at NYU’s Washington Square Complex. UW-Seattle, WA On May 5th roughly 7,000 students gathered for a protest on campus. They marched down- town and blocked the freeway for over an hour, before being forced off by police. KU-Lawrence, KS On May 13th, over 2,000 students from KU and other state schools gathered on the steps of the statehouse in complete silence for fifteen minutes to protest the war in Indochina. JSU-Jackson, MS On May 14th two African-American students were shot to death and thirty others wounded by local police and state troopers and national guardsmen at primarily black Jackson State University in Mississippi. The two were watch- ing demonstrators protesting the invasion of Cam- bodia and racial discrimination from a nearby dormitory tower. Two days of riots ensued in Jackson resulting in curfews and sealing off of city. SCHOOL PARTICIPATION BY REGION MIDDLE WEST SOUTH WEST EAST & MID-ATLANTIC One campus in each region is highlighted and annotated on the map to give an idea of the scope and mood of the national student strike. Red stars indicate states where the governor declared campuses in a state of emergency. SOUTH: 75 CAMPUSES WEST: 160 CAMPUSES MIDDLE WEST: 195 CAMPUSES EAST & MID-ATLANTIC: 330 CAMPUSES National Student Strike: May 1-15, 1970 Nationwide, students turned their anger on what was often the nearest military facility: college and university Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) offices. All told, 30 ROTC buildings went up in flames or were bombed. There were violent clashes between students and police at 26 schools and National Guard units were mobilized on 21 campuses in 16 states. The protests and strikes had a dramatic impact, and convinced many Americans, particularly within the administration of President Richard Nixon, that the nation was on the verge of insurrection. APRIL 30 President Richard Nixon announced to the nation that an incursion into Cambodia had been launched by United States combat forces. MAY 1 At Kent State in Ohio a demonstration with about 500 students was held. There was widespread anger, and many protesters issued a call to “bring the war home.” MAY 2 Kent’s Mayor Leroy Satrom declares a state of emergency and asks Ohio Governor James A. Rhodes to send the National Guard to Kent to help maintain order. MAY 3 As protests continue, Governor Rhodes calls the protesters un- American and refers to the protesters as revolutionaries set on destroying higher education in Ohio. MAY 4 The shootings killed four students and wounded nine. Two of the four students killed, Allison Krause and Jeffrey Miller, had participated in the protest, and the other two, Sandra Scheuer and William Knox Schroeder, had been walking from one class to the next at the time of their deaths. LIFE.COM COMMISSION ON CAMPUS UNRREST COMMISSION ON CAMPUS UNRREST COMMISSION ON CAMPUS UNRREST JOHN FILO TIMELINE OF EVENTS: APRIL 30-MAY 4 Kent State Shootings: May 4, 1970 There was a significant national response to the shootings: hundreds of universities, colleges, and high schools closed throughout the United States due to a student strike of four million students, and the event further divided the country, at this already socially contentious time, along political lines. “This is a nation at war with itself.” -Charles Colson, May 1970
  4. Selected Items's Name Projects Banks Companies Option 1 Option 2

    Option3 Option 4 All Option 1 Option 2 Option3 Option 4 Projects Banks Companies Bank: Bank Name Logo Bank info Ipsum Lorewn Funding Capacity ETC Projects Investments over time Generic info if nothing selected, or list of projects Click to View: Bad Actors Take Action Today Publications Arguement. . . The Big Oxmox advised her not to do so. THE PROBLEM WITH COAL Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics. VIABLE SOLUTIONS Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics. Coal: Dirty, Dangerous, and Outdated Bank Of America Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth. Ambre Energy Wireframing is the beginning of it all.
  5. Rainforests are hotspots of biodiversity and filter vast amounts of

    carbon from the atmosphere. Rainforest destruction for palm oil plantations is driving species extinction, massive carbon pollution and community conflict. Cargill trades 25% of the world’s palm oil and is the largest importer of palm oil into the United States. 50% of all packaged goods sold in the grocery store contain palm oil. Rainforest destruction is likely found in every room of your home. Palm oil plantations turn rainforests into biological deserts. Go to ran.org/cargill to learn more and take action. 85% of the world’s palm oil comes from Indonesia and Malaysia. Palm oil is used to make food products, cosmetics, soaps and detergents. data sources: ran.org/palmoilgraphicdata theproblemwithpalmoil.org WHAT’S YOUR CONNECTION TO RAINFOREST DESTRUCTION?

    THE HIGHEST RATIO OF ALL TIME OCCUPY Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/what-wall-street-protesters-are-so-angry-about-2011-10

  8. “It’s gonna take awhile. It’s normal to take while. You’ve

    just gotta fight your way through.” -IRA GLASS