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A quick overview of HTTPS and how it works.

Mike Klemarewski

September 20, 2016

More Decks by Mike Klemarewski

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  1. What it HTTP? • Protocol for client server communica2on •

    Different request methods (GET, POST, etc.) • Headers provide addi2onal informa2on • Client makes an HTTP request • Server sends an HTTP response
  2. HTTP Request Example GET / HTTP/1.1 Host www.google.ca Accept text/html

    Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate, sdch Accept-Language en-US,en;q=0.8
  3. HTTP Response Example HTTP/1.1 302 Found Location https://www.google.ca/?gws_rd=ssl Content-Type text/html;

    charset=UTF-8 Date Thu, 01 Sep 2016 00:11:37 GMT Server gws Content-Length 230 Proxy-Connection Keep-alive <HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <TITLE>302 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY> <H1>302 Moved</H1> The document has moved <A HREF="https://www.google.ca/?gws_rd=ssl">here</A>. </BODY></HTML>
  4. HTTPS is... • Communica*on using HTTP • Connec*on encrypted by

    TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (older TLS) • Some*mes HTTPS is referred to as HTTP over SSL/TLS
  5. Record Protocol Ensures the connec0on is private • Data encrypted

    with symetric encryp,on (both par3es share the secret key) • Keys are generated by TLS Handshake Protocol
  6. Record Protocol Ensures the connec0on is reliable • Message integrity

    verified using a MAC (message authen6ca6on code) • Secret key + message => MAC Algorithm => MAC code • MAC code sent with every message • Receiver runs the message through the MAC algorithm to check the MAC code matches
  7. Handshake Protocol • Ensures nego+a+on of a shared secret is

    secure • the nego+ated secret is unavailable to eavesdroppers • The nego+a+on is reliable • The par+es will know if an a:acker tries to modify the nego+a+on
  8. TLS Handshake Security • Done using public key cryptography (asymmetric

    key cryptography) • Server sends it's public key to the client • Client encrypts messages with public key • Server decrypts using private key
  9. The TLS Handshake 1) Exchange hello messages to agree on

    TLS version and session ID 2) Server sends cer,ficate along with chosen cipher suite
  10. The TLS Handshake 3) Client generates a secret key and

    sends it to the server 4) Each side generates master secret using the secret key and random values sent in prior messages 5) Provide security parameters to the record layer
  11. The TLS Handshake 6) Server sends a FINISHED message 7)

    Client decrypts the FINISHED message and uses MAC to verify it
  12. A"er the Handshake • Secure connec*on has been established •

    Messages are encrypted/decrypted by the record layer