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Full-stack Reactive Kotlin with Project Reactor...

Full-stack Reactive Kotlin with Project Reactor & Spring Boot 2

Reactive programming offers Java & Kotlin developers a way to build message-driven, elastic, resilient, and responsive services...yet many developers don't know where to begin. The Reactive Streams initiative provides a baseline and Project Reactor provides a great way to become immediately productive, leveraging reactive capabilities from end to end. Whether you're coming from a Spring MVC environment or a functional perspective, Reactor empowers you to spin up fully reactive Spring Boot 2 applications quickly and efficiently.

In this talk, the presenter dives into the net-new Netty-based web runtime and shows you how to:

* integrate easily with existing Spring-stack technologies
* easily transition from blocking to reactive applications & systems
* define your API in an imperative style *and* functionally, reaping all benefits both ways
* leverage powerful new testing mechanisms to make code better and life easier

The presenter codes all examples live and in real time. This is not an abstract discussion, come to gain real, practical knowledge!

Mark Heckler

May 31, 2019

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  1. Full Stack Reactive Java With Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot

    2, & Project Reactor Mark Heckler Professional Problem Solver, Spring Developer Advocate www.thehecklers.com mark@thehecklers.com mheckler@pivotal.io @mkheck Kotlin!
  2. @mkheck www.thehecklers.com Who am I? • Author • Architect &

    Developer • Java Champion, Rockstar • Professional Problem Solver • Spring Developer & Advocate • Creador y curador de
  3. @mkheck www.thehecklers.com –Rossen Stoyanchev, Project Reactor team “In a nutshell

    reactive programming is about non-blocking, event-driven applications that scale with a small number of threads with backpressure as a key ingredient that aims to ensure producers do not overwhelm consumers.”