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Motor Unit Physiology and Function

Melissa Mazzo
February 20, 2019

Motor Unit Physiology and Function

For my comprehensive exam to transition from a PhD student to candidate, I summarized the basic physiology of motor units and the variation in the neuromuscular system that allows for the breadth of human movement, from precision tasks to powerful actions. Taking inspiration from the hand-drawn figures of early seminal papers in the field, I drew some original figures to represent my interpretations of fundamental concepts.

Melissa Mazzo

February 20, 2019

Other Decks in Science


  1. Recording motor unit activity Motor unit physiology and function Factors

    influencing motor unit activity Motor neuron properties Muscle unit properties Types of synaptic input
  2. Motor unit: Motor unit pool ~93 motor units ~14 motor

    units Jenny and Inukai, 1983 Feinstein et al., 1955
  3. Motor unit: Motor unit pool ~4150 motor units ~1271 motor

    units Jenny & Inukai, 1983 Torre, 1953
  4. Motor unit: Innervation number Average of ~1750 muscle fibers Average

    of 5-10 muscle fibers Feinstein et al., 1955 Torre, 1953
  5. Motor unit: Innervation number Innervation numbers ranging from 21 -

    1770 Innervation numbers ranging from 18 - 830 Enoka & Fugelvand, 2001 Rafuse et al., 1997
  6. Motor unit: Muscle unit territory Burke and Tsairis, 1973 ~750

    total muscle fibers ~200 total muscle fibers
  7. Motor unit: Muscle unit territory Harris et al., 2005 ~33%

    of muscle units Vieira et al., 2011 ~10% of muscle length ~2.5 cm Entire muscle length ~6%
  8. Motor unit: Muscle fiber properties Henneman and Olson, 1965 Medial

    gastrocnemius Soleus Myosin ATPase activity I IIa IIb
  9. Motor unit: Muscle fiber properties Van Cutsem et al., 1997

    Harridge et al., 1996 Tibialis anterior
  10. Motor unit: Muscle anatomy Barry et al., 2009 Flexion vs.

    supination Cranial vs. caudal regions Falla and Farina, 2008
  11. Motor unit: Motor neuron properties Motor neuron action potential Na+

    influx K+ efflux Giant squid axon Hodgkin and Huxley, 1945
  12. Recording motor unit activity: EMG Macefield et al., 1996 Motor

    unit action potential Motor unit twitch Stimulus Surface EMG Force
  13. Recording motor unit activity: EMG Data provided by Kevin Keenan,

    PhD Interference EMG Rectified EMG Smoothed EMG Force + - Reference Amplifier
  14. Recording motor unit activity: EMG Day and Hullinger, 2001 Recorded

    Summed off-line 10 Motor units Individually stimulated
  15. Recording motor unit activity: EMG Keenan et al., 2005 Intramuscular

    motor unit action potentials Surface motor unit action potentials Low-pass filter
  16. Recording motor unit activity: EMG Data provided by Kevin Keenan,

    PhD Interference EMG Rectified EMG Smoothed EMG Force + - Reference Amplifier
  17. Motor unit: Discharge rate & ISI Moritz et al., 2005

    Interspike Intervals Variability in ISI
  18. Synaptic input: Afferent input Kokkorogiannis, 2004 156 spindles 390 grams

    80 spindles 6.2 grams 155 spindles 7.6 grams 266 grams 1193 spindles 408 spindles 433 grams
  19. Synaptic input: Types Presynaptic facilitation 5-HT GABA Presynaptic inhibition Post-synaptic

    cell (motor neuron) Axon Increased neurotransmitter release Decreased neurotransmitter release
  20. Synaptic input: Types Metabotropic Receptors Neuromodulators G-coupled protein receptors Second

    messenger cascades Monoamines 5-HT NE • Induce persistent inward currents • Reduce resting leak conductance • Induce membrane depolarization • Enhance or decrease hyperpolarization Neuromodulators can:
  21. Synaptic input: Sources of input Christou et al., 2004 Fluctuations

    in force Bandwidth important for force control
  22. Synaptic input: Common input Maximal force correlation from EMG estimates

    Number of trials with adequate # of motor units Thompson et al., 2018
  23. High density surface EMG 4 x 8 Grid of recording

    sites Estimated motor unit action potential IDR (pps) Extracted MU Pulse Train Recording motor unit activity: Decomposition
  24. Moving forward: Projects 1. Self-massage with therapy balls improves stretching

    outcomes in young and middle-aged adults Second Author, Published February 2019, Journal of Sports Sciences 2. Poor estimates of motor variability are associated with longer grooved pegboard times for middle-aged and older adults Second Author, Published February 2019, Journal of Neurophysiology 3. The effect of stretching and self-massage on motor unit discharge characteristics First Author, Data analysis in progress 4. The influence of sensory feedback on estimates of variance in common synaptic input 5. Differences in the common input to motor neurons during various types of contractions Motor unit tracking Estimates of common input and common noise