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Boston 2013 - Graphite Workshop - Michael Leina...

March 29, 2013

Boston 2013 - Graphite Workshop - Michael Leinartas


March 29, 2013


  1. (as Graphite knows it) • Divided into evenly-spaced “buckets” •

    (end - start) / step == len(values) • Can be consolidated into another time series with larger buckets Time Series
  2. Time Series (another way) Pairs of (<timestamp>,  <point>) 1364460000 2.0

    1364460060 1.2 1364460120 3.6 1364460180 4.7 start=1364460000,  end=1264460180,  step=60
  3. Whisper • Graphite’s disk format for time series data •

    Round-robin • Fixed size • Newer points overwrite older ones • No concept of type: Everything’s a float (or None) • Can contain multiple “Archives” with different precisions
  4. Whisper Archives • Defined by precision and retention • e.g.

    minutely data for a year • Data exists from “now” until max retention • Composed of (<timestamp,  <value>)  pairs
  5. 10s precision 10s:60d, 60s:180d, 300s:360d 60s precision 300s precision NOW

    60 days ago 180 days ago 360 days ago Archive 0 Archive 1 Archive 2
  6. Everything written to Whisper happens in the update() operation. When

    a point is written to a Whisper file, every archive is updated* * well, sometimes
  7. xFilesFactor • Idea and name comes from RRD • Default

    value: 0.5 The ratio of datapoints present for rollup to occur 1 2 2 4 2 1 1 _ _ 3 _ _ 2 2 2 2 2 2 _ _ _ _ _ _
  8. When choosing storage schemas, consider: • How long you can

    wait between graph updates • How long your data is useful for
  9. And balance that with: • How much disk space you

    have • At what point lower precisions stop being useful
  10. If you can afford the space, stick with a single

    retention 1 year of minutely data: 6mb per metric
  11. If you choose to use multiple archives: • Don’t go

    overboard. Avoid this: • Keep xFilesFactor at 0.5 or higher to avoid excess I/O unless the data is expected to be sparse
  12. Also note: Whisper will only return data from a single

    archive during a fetch (remember: evenly spaced data). Whisper will choose the highest-precision archive that covers the time period
  13. Consolidation/Aggregation Why would we throw away data on purpose? •

    To coerce our data into buckets • To save on storage space • To fit a lot of data onto a graph
  14. Averaging Why is averaging a sane default? • Fine for

    trending • Works well with most data types • Can calculate aggregate sum if number of samples known
  15. Per-second rates • Store these as averages • Multiply by

    precision at display time for per-bucket rate • e.g. for minutely stats, use scale(<metric>,  60) Some tools store counts as per-second rates statsd, collectd (StoreRates true)
  16. Render-time Consolidation But look at this spike to 17.5k Why

    isn’t it still 17.5k when zoomed out?