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Scodec for Scala 3

Scodec for Scala 3

Slides for talk at Scala Love Conference on 4/18/2020.

Scala 3 introduces new features which help manage complexity. In this talk, we’ll look at porting Scodec from Scala 2 to Scala 3, using new language features to simplify the library.

You’ll see the ease of migrating projects to Scala 3 and perhaps be inspired to port some of your own.

Michael Pilquist

April 18, 2020

More Decks by Michael Pilquist

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  1. AGENDA 3 Building for Scala 3 with SBT Macros Numeric

    Literals Tuples Revisited Match Types Mirrors Derivation
  2. BUILDING FOR SCALA 3 4 addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.lamp" % "sbt-dotty" % "0.4.0")

    project/plugins.sbt build.sbt crossScalaVersions := List("2.12.10", "2.13.1", "0.23.0-RC1"), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.scalameta" %%% "munit-scalacheck" % "0.7.1" ) ++ (if (isDotty.value) Nil else Seq( "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value % "provided"))
  3. BUILDING FOR SCALA 3 5 addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.lamp" % "sbt-dotty" % "0.4.0")

    project/plugins.sbt build.sbt crossScalaVersions := List("2.12.10", "2.13.1", "0.22.0-RC1"), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.scalatest" %%% "scalatest" % "3.1.1", ("org.scalatestplus" %%% "scalacheck-1-14" % "") .intransitive() .withDottyCompat(scalaVersion.value), ("org.scalacheck" %%% "scalacheck" % "1.14.3")
 .withDottyCompat(scalaVersion.value) ) ++ (if (isDotty.value) Nil else Seq( "org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value % "provided"))
  4. LITERAL INTERPOLATORS 6 val x = hex"00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233" // x: ByteVector

    = ByteVector(20 bytes, 0x00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233) val y = bin"1000101011011000100101" // y: BitVector = BitVector(22 bits, 0x8ad894) val z = hex"Cow!" // foo.scala: hexadecimal string literal may only contain characters [0-9a-fA-f] // val z = hex"Cow!" // ^ // Compilation Failed
  5. LITERAL INTERPOLATORS 7 package scodec.bits._ import scala.quoted._ import scala.quoted.matching._ inline

    def (ctx: StringContext).hex (inline args: Any*): ByteVector = ${validateHex('ctx, 'args)}
  6. LITERAL INTERPOLATORS 8 package scodec.bits._ import scala.quoted._ import scala.quoted.matching._ inline

    def (ctx: StringContext).hex (inline args: Any*): ByteVector = ${validateHex('ctx, 'args)} def validateHex( strCtxExpr: Expr[StringContext], argsExpr: Expr[Seq[Any]] )(using QuoteContext): Expr[ByteVector] = strCtxExpr match { case '{ StringContext(${Varargs(parts)}: _*) } => validateHexImpl(parts, argsExpr) case '{ new StringContext(${Varargs(parts)}: _*) } => validateHexImpl(parts, argsExpr) }
  7. LITERAL INTERPOLATORS 9 private def validateHexImpl( parts: Seq[Expr[String]], argsExpr: Expr[Seq[Any]]

    )(using qctx: QuoteContext): Expr[ByteVector] = { if (parts.size == 1) { val Const(literal) = parts.head ByteVector.fromHex(literal) match { case Some(_) => '{ByteVector.fromValidHex(${Expr(literal)})} case None => qctx.error( "hexadecimal string literal may only contain characters [0-9a-fA-f]", parts.head) ??? } } else { qctx.error("interpolation not supported", argsExpr) ??? } }
  8. NUMERIC LITERALS 1 0 val x: ByteVector = 0x00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233 //

    x: ByteVector = ByteVector(20 bytes, 0x00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233) val y: BitVector = 0xdeadbeef // y: BitVector = BitVector(32 bits, 0xdeadbeef)
  9. NUMERIC LITERALS 1 1 import scala.util.FromDigits import java.math.BigInteger object ByteVector

    { given FromDigits.WithRadix[ByteVector] { def fromDigits(digits: String, radix: Int): ByteVector = radix match { case 16 => ByteVector.fromValidHex(digits) case _ => ByteVector.fromValidHex(new BigInteger(digits, radix).toString(16)) } } }
  10. PRODUCT CODECS 1 2 val a = int8 ~ bool

    ~ cstring // a: Codec[((Int, Boolean), String)] = … val b = int8 ~~ bool ~~ cstring // b: Codec[(Int, Boolean, String)] = … val c = int8 :: bool :: cstring // val c: Codec[Int :: Boolean :: String :: HNil] = … Scala 2 Lots of ways to do roughly the same thing Combinators have to pick which to support (flatZip vs flatPrepend) In practice, HList variant is the most common ☹
  11. PRODUCT CODECS 1 3 val a = int8 :: bool

    :: cstring // val a: Codec[(Int, Boolean, String)] = … val b = int64 :: a // val b: Codec[(Long, Int, Boolean, String)] = … Scala 3 Unify all of these APIs in to a single one that creates tuples of expected arity
  12. TUPLES REVISITED 1 4 sealed trait Tuple extends Any {

    inline def *: [H, This >: this.type <: Tuple] (x: H): H *: This = foo } sealed trait NonEmptyTuple extends Tuple @showAsInfix sealed abstract class *:[+H, +T <: Tuple] extends NonEmptyTuple object *: { def unapply[H, T <: Tuple](x: H *: T): (H, T) = (x.head, x.tail) }
  13. TUPLES REVISITED 1 5 val a = 1 *: (true,

    3, "Hi")
 // a: (Int, Boolean, Int, String) = (1,true,3,Hi)
 val b = (1, true) ++ (3, "Hi")
 // b: (Int, Boolean, Int, String) = (1,true,3,Hi)
 val h *: t = a
 // h: Int = 1
 // t: (Boolean, Int, String) = (true,3,Hi)

  14. CODEC CONS 1 6 How can we implement :: for

    Codec? int8 :: (bool :: cstring) Codec[(Boolean, String)] Codec[Int] Codec[(Int, Boolean, String)] We need two operations: - for all A, B: (Codec[A], Codec[B]) => Codec[(A, B)] - for all A, B <: Tuple: (Codec[A], Codec[B]) => Codec[A *: B]
  15. CODEC CONS 1 7 object Codec { extension tupleOpsRightAssociative on

    [A, B <: Tuple](a: Codec[B]) { def ::(b: Codec[A]): Codec[A *: B] = ??? } extension on [A, B](b: Codec[B]) { def ::(a: Codec[A]): Codec[(A, B)] = ??? } }
  16. CODEC CONS 1 8 object Codec { extension tupleOpsRightAssociative on

    [A, B <: Tuple](a: Codec[B]) { def ::(b: Codec[A]): Codec[A *: B] = new Codec[A *: B] { def sizeBound = a.sizeBound + b.sizeBound def encode(ab: A *: B) = encodeBoth(a, b)(ab.head, ab.tail) def decode(bv: BitVector) = decodeBoth(a, b)(bv).map(_.map(_ *: _)) override def toString = s"$a :: $b" } } extension on [A, B](b: Codec[B]) { def ::(a: Codec[A]): Codec[(A, B)] = new Codec[(A, B)] { def sizeBound = a.sizeBound + b.sizeBound def encode(ab: (A, B)) = encodeBoth(a, b)(ab._1, ab._2) def decode(bv: BitVector) = decodeBoth(a, b)(bv) override def toString = s"$a :: $b" } }
  17. CODEC CONS 1 9 object Codec { def [A, B

    <: Tuple] (a: Codec[A]) :: (b: Codec[B]): Codec[A *: B] = … def [A, B] (a: Codec[A]) :: (b: Codec[B])(using DummyImplicit): Codec[(A, B)] = … } Easier to read - no need to mentally reverse :: Requires DummyImplicit to disambiguate erased signature Requires explicit import of extension method at call site (#8275) ☹ Can we use simple extension methods instead of collective extensions?
  18. UNITS 2 0 val a = ignore(2) :: int(3) ::

    bool :: ignore(2) :: cstring // val a: Codec[(Unit, Int, Boolean, Unit, String)] = … These unit values are annoying Have to manually insert them when encoding and remove them when decoding ☹
  19. UNITS 2 1 val a = ignore(2) :: int(3) ::

    bool :: ignore(2) :: cstring // val a: Codec[(Unit, Int, Boolean, Unit, String)] = … val b = a.dropUnits // val b: Codec[(Int, Boolean, String)] = … What’s the signature of dropUnits? How do we write "the tuple you get when you remove all units from A"?
  20. UNITS 2 2 object Codec { extension tupleOpsNoParams on [A

    <: Tuple](codecA: Codec[A]) { inline def dropUnits: Codec[DropUnits.T[A]] = codecA.xmap(a => DropUnits.drop(a), b => DropUnits.insert(b)) } } object DropUnits { type T[A <: Tuple] <: Tuple = A match { case hd *: tl => hd match { case Unit => T[tl] case _ => hd *: T[tl] } case Unit => Unit }
  21. MATCH TYPES 2 3 object DropUnits { type T[A <:

    Tuple] <: Tuple = A match { case hd *: tl => hd match { case Unit => T[tl] case _ => hd *: T[tl] } case Unit => Unit } DropUnits.T is a match type - Defined by pattern matching on types - Supports recursion - Defined inductively with: - Inductive case for non-empty tuple - Base case for empty tuple (Unit)
  22. MATCH TYPES - TERM LEVEL 2 4 inline def drop[A

    <: Tuple](a: A): T[A] = { inline erasedValue[A] match { case _: (Unit *: tl) => drop[tl](a.asInstanceOf[Unit *: tl].tail) case _: (hd *: tl) => val at = a.asInstanceOf[hd *: tl] at.head *: drop[tl](at.tail) case _: Unit => () } }.asInstanceOf[T[A]]
  23. MATCH TYPES - TERM LEVEL 2 5 inline def insert[A

    <: Tuple](t: T[A]): A = { inline erasedValue[A] match { case _: (Unit *: tl) => (()) *: (insert[tl](t.asInstanceOf[T[tl]])) case _: (hd *: tl) => val t2 = t.asInstanceOf[NonEmptyTuple] t2.head.asInstanceOf[hd] *: insert[tl](t2.tail.asInstanceOf[T[tl]]) case _: Unit => () } }.asInstanceOf[A]
  24. CODECS FOR CASE CLASSES 2 6 val a = int(3)

    :: bool :: cstring // val a: Codec[(Int, Boolean, String)] = … case class Foo(x: Int, y: Boolean, z: String) val b = a.as[Foo] // val b: Codec[Foo] = …
  25. CODECS FOR CASE CLASSES 2 7 trait Codec[A] extends Encoder[A],

    Decoder[A] { def as[B](using iso: Iso[A, B]): Codec[B] = xmap(iso.to, iso.from) } trait Iso[A, B] { self => def to(a: A): B def from(b: B): A } How can we create an Iso instance for a case class and a tuple of its elements? ?
  26. MIRRORS 2 8 import scala.deriving.Mirror given product[T <: Tuple, P](using

    m: Mirror.ProductOf[P] { type MirroredElemTypes = T }) as Iso[T, P] = instance[T, P](fromTuple)(toTuple) def toTuple[A, B <: Tuple](a: A)(using m: Mirror.ProductOf[A] { type MirroredElemTypes = B }): B = Tuple.fromProduct(a.asInstanceOf[Product]).asInstanceOf[B] def fromTuple[A, B <: Tuple](b: B)(using m: Mirror.ProductOf[A] { type MirroredElemTypes = B }): A = m.fromProduct(b.asInstanceOf[Product]).asInstanceOf[A]
  27. DERIVATION 2 9 case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z:

    Int) derives Codec val p = summon[Codec[Point]] // p: Codec[Point] = … val q = p.encode(Point(1, 2, 3)) // q: Attempt[BitVector] = Successful(BitVector(96 bits, 
 0x000000010000000200000003)) Case Classes enum Color derives Codec { case Red, Green, Blue } val r = summon[Codec[Color]] // r: Codec[Color] = … val s = r.encode(Color.Green) // s: Attempt[BitVector] = Successful(BitVector(8 bits, 0x01)) Enums & ADTs
  28. DERIVATION 3 0 import scala.compiletime._ import scala.deriving._ object Codec {

    inline def derived[A](using m: Mirror.Of[A]): Codec[A] = new Codec[A] { def sizeBound = ??? def encode(a: A) = ??? def decode(b: BitVector) = ??? } } Define a derived method in type constructor companion object 1
  29. DERIVATION 3 1 object Codec { inline def derived[A](using m:

    Mirror.Of[A]): Codec[A] = new Codec[A] { def sizeBound = inline m match { case p: Mirror.ProductOf[A] => sizeBoundElems[p.MirroredElemTypes] case s: Mirror.SumOf[A] => codecs.uint8.sizeBound + sizeBoundCases[s.MirroredElemTypes] } def encode(a: A) = ??? def decode(b: BitVector) = ??? } } Pattern match on the mirror of the type param, providing an implementation for both products (case classes) and sums (enums/ADTs) 2
  30. DERIVATION 3 2 inline def sizeBoundElems[A <: Tuple]: SizeBound =

    inline erasedValue[A] match { case _: (hd *: tl) => summonInline[Codec[hd]].sizeBound + sizeBoundElems[tl] case _: Unit => SizeBound.exact(0) }
  31. DERIVATION 3 3 inline def sizeBoundCases[A <: Tuple]: SizeBound =

    inline erasedValue[A] match { case _: (hd *: tl) => val hdSize = summonFrom { case p: Mirror.ProductOf[`hd`] => sizeBoundElems[p.MirroredElemTypes] } hdSize | sizeBoundCases[tl] case _: Unit => SizeBound.exact(0) }
  32. WHAT’S NEXT? 3 4 Summary • Scala 3 drastically simplified

    scodec without sacrificing expressiveness • Many more language features and simplifications Library Availability Increasing • munit, scalatest, scalacheck, shapeless • fastparse, sourcecode, upickle, utest • circe, cats (soon), cats-effect (soon) • Lots more! Language Still Evolving • Add your project to the community build • Dotty contributors get better feedback about how their changes are impacting ecosystem • Library developers get help with upgrading to newer versions