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The hidden dance of complexity (ConFoo 2025)

The hidden dance of complexity (ConFoo 2025)

Complexity is all around us. We are, we are part of, and we build dynamic complex systems.And yet we have trouble grasping it! In this talk we'll dive into the intricacies of complexity. Join me to explore its formal definition, concepts like reversibility and reductionism, and the profound effects of non-linearity. We'll delve into the human and organizational perspective on complexity, and how changes and incidents are shaped by it.

Michiel Rook

February 27, 2025

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  1. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine N E I L T H E I

    S E "Everywhere we look, we see complexity. In everything we do, we participate in complexity."
  2. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine "Everything is very simple in war, but the

    simplest thing is di ff i cult. These di ff i culties accumulate and produce a friction." – CA R L VO N C L AU S E W I T Z

  4. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine "In a chaotic system, a computer model shows

    that the same starting conditions will always generate the same emergent properties. The whole is predictably greater than the sum of its parts." S I D N E Y D E K K E R
  5. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine "Complex systems can never be wholly understood or

    exhaustively described. If they could, they would either not be complex, or the entity understanding them would have to be as complex as the whole system." S I D N E Y D E K K E R
  6. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine "As the complexity of a system increases, the

    accuracy of any single agent's own model of that system decreases rapidly." DAV I D WO O D S
  7. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine "The more elaborate a conspiracy theory is, and

    the more people that would need to be involved to pull it o ff , the less likely it is true." M I C H A E L S H E R M E R
  8. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine "When the variety or complexity of the environment

    exceeds the capacity of a system (natural or arti fi cial) the environment will dominate and ultimately destroy that system." W. R O S S AS H BY
  9. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine “Everything is unprecedented until it happens for the

    fi rst time.” C H ES L E Y B . S U L L E N B E R G E R
  10. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine “Failures in complex systems require multiple contributing causes,

    each necessary but only jointly su ffi cient.” R I C H A R D C O O K
  11. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine "What you call 'root cause' is simply the

    place where you stop looking any further." S I D N E Y D E K K E R
  12. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine “Finding the root cause of a failure is

    like fi nding the root cause of a success.” J O H N A L L S PAW
  13. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine Figure 1 A causal event tree (adapted from

    ref. 21). ID, identification; IT, information technology. The problem with… Alan J. Card - The problem with '5 whys' BMJ quality & safety · September 2016 DOI: 10.1136/bmjqs-2016-005849
  14. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine “For every complex problem, there is an answer

    that is clear, simple, and wrong.” H . L . M E N C K E N
  15. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine "There is only one way the plan can

    go right, but any number of ways in which it can go wrong." – S T E P H E N B U N G AY
  16. @michieltcs #StandWithUkraine "Requires expertise, experience, autonomy, imaginative adaptability, heuristics, and

    the ability to make, adjust and reject provisional conclusions as information changes." T H E J O L LY C O N T RA R I A N