like you normally would… 1. Intercept that image request 2. If “retina” support (or device-pixel-ratio >= 2), re-write the URL as “icon-sprite@2x.png” 3. Request that from the network
crazy idea, but it’s possible! Need to run in mocks mode? Use a Service Worker! Intercept API responses and send back mock responses No need to run a server
support - Send/Request money (P2P) - Rendering shells - Dashboard apps like Hawk and 8Ball all have this “shell” on the ourside that could be instantly rendered while the remaining bits are loaded afterwards.
Chrome team - With Service Workers, you can instantly load your page on repeat visits. - Render the Shell or Chrome of your page immediately. - Lazy load in the rest of your page
from cache (jQuery, Angular, etc.) - Always immediately render "shell" from cache - Fetch from network, by default. If success, cache response. - If any network issues or fallbacks, read from cache. - Add a 2 second SLA on 3rd party scripts