to split the browser-based code into micro frontends. In this approach, the web application is broken down into its features, and each feature is owned, frontend to backend, by a different team. This ensures that every feature is developed, tested and deployed independently from other features. … Quelle: ThoughtWorks Technology Radar November 2016 Michael Geers / @naltatis
Getrennte Applikationen die unabhängig voneinander sind. Ende-zu-Ende Verantwortung Von Datenbank bis Benutzerober fl äche Michael Geers / @naltatis Mini-Monolithen oder Maxi-Microservices (UI included) Unabhängige Systeme
Specialist Teams Team Inspire Team Decide Team Checkout Cross Functional Teams grouped around a use case or customer need grouped around a skill or technology Michael Geers / @naltatis
Specialist Teams Team Inspire Team Decide Team Checkout Cross Functional Teams grouped around a use case or customer need grouped around a skill or technology Developing a Features Meetings waiting for others ⏳ Michael Geers / @naltatis
🍆 🍟 🍊 🥖 ‣ Auf gemeinsamen Tech-Stack einigen ‣ Starterkits & Vorlagen für neue Teams ‣ Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Teams fördern ‣ Keine Überregulierung Michael Geers / @naltatis Herkunft des Begriffs: ThoughtWorks Technology Radar Oktober 2020
items</em> <h1>Tractor</h1> <button>buy for 66 €</button> </html> Server Team Decide reverse-proxy (nginx, …) Server Team Checkout /red-tractor <html> <!--#include virtual=“/checkout/basket“ --> <h1>Tractor</h1> <!--#include virtual=“/checkout/buy“ --> </html> /checkout/basket /checkout/buy /red-tractor Komposition auf dem Server (ESI, SSI, eigene Lösung …)
</template> </inspire-reco> Neue Browser Spec Declarative Shadow DOM Michael Geers / @naltatis 🤩 ermöglicht Server-Rendering für Custom Elements (Hydration) Chrome 90+
66 $ 1 1 list home detail basket payment confirm $ $ %% Team Inspire Team Decide Team Checkout Customer Journey Seitenübergänge über Links Michael Geers / @naltatis