animated style which exudes adorability. This puppy has large, sparkling eyes, long droopy ears, and a small round body. The puppy has light brown fur with white accents on its face and belly, a pink tongue, and black features for its nose, eyes, and parts of its mouth. Positioned at the center of the image against a potentially white or transparent background, the puppy embodies happiness and charm. The style is simple, 〜〜〜省略〜〜〜 コード(詳しくはcolabへ) 画像生成 組み合わせ #指示 Let's combine these prompt! #指示詳細 [ アイデア1とアイデア2の特徴量 ] #目的 全てのプロンプトを混ぜて最適な画像を出力すること です。 〜〜〜省略〜〜〜