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Testing Your Automation

Nathen Harvey
March 01, 2013

Testing Your Automation

TDD for Chef Cookbooks

Nathen Harvey

March 01, 2013


  1. What is Chef? Recipes and Cookbooks that describe Infrastructure as

    Code. Chef enables people to easily build & manage complex & dynamic applications at massive scale • New model for describing infrastructure that promotes reuse • Programmatically provision and configure • Reconstruct business from code repository, data backup, and bare metal resources Chef is an automation platform for developers & systems engineers to continuously define, build, and manage infrastructure. CHEF USES: “ ”
  2. Evolving towards Configuration Management •Just build it •Keep notes in

    server.txt •Move notes to the wiki •Custom scripts (in scm?!) •Snapshot & Clone
  3. Building something with Chef •Come up with your policy •Abstract

    the resources •Write recipes •Apply recipes to nodes
  4. Cookbook $ knife cookbook create website ** Creating cookbook website

    ** Creating README for cookbook: website ** Creating CHANGELOG for cookbook: website ** Creating metadata for cookbook: website
  5. Resources in Recipe package "apache2" template "/var/www/index.html" do owner "www-data"

    group "www-data" mode 644 source "index.html.erb" end service "apache2" do action [:start, :enable] end
  6. templates/default/index.html.erb <html> <head> <title><%= node['conference']['name'] %></title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello, <%=

    node['conference']['name'] %></h1> </body> </html> • I told you, this is a trivial example! Stick with me. • No, you wouldn’t really manage your content in Chef but this may be easier to grok than sysctl settings.
  7. Apply This Recipe to a Node $ vagrant init web

    A `Vagrantfile` has been placed in this directory. You are now ready to `vagrant up` your first virtual environment! Please read the comments in the Vagrantfile as well as documentation on `vagrantup.com` for more information on using Vagrant.
  8. Vagrantfile # -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby

    : Vagrant::Config.run do |config| config.vm.box = "web" config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080 config.vm.provision :chef_client do |chef| chef.chef_server_url = "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/bigruby" chef.validation_key_path = "bigruby-validator.pem" chef.validation_client_name = "bigruby-validator" end end
  9. Launch the VM $ vagrant up [default] Importing base box

    'web'... [default] Matching MAC address for NAT networking... [default] Forwarding ports... [default] -- 22 => 2222 (adapter 1) [default] -- 80 => 8080 (adapter 1) ... [2013-02-01T05:24:19+00:00] WARN: Node vagrant.vm has an empty run list. [2013-02-01T05:24:20+00:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 1.962777136 seconds [2013-02-01T05:24:20+00:00] INFO: Running report handlers [2013-02-01T05:24:20+00:00] INFO: Report handlers complete
  10. Provision the Node $ knife cookbook upload website Uploading website

    [0.1.0] Uploaded 1 cookbook. $ knife node run_list add vagrant.vm "recipe[website]" vagrant.vm: run_list: recipe[website] $ vagrant provision
  11. knife cookbook test $ knife cookbook test website checking website

    Running syntax check on website Validating ruby files Validating templates
  12. Foodcritic • A lint tool for your Opscode Chef cookbooks

    • Flag problems in your Chef cookbooks that will cause Chef to blow up when you attempt to converge • Encourage discussion within the Chef community on the more subjective stuff - what does a good cookbook look like?
  13. Foodcritic $ foodcritic cookbooks/website FC006: Mode should be quoted or

    fully specified when setting file permissions: cookbooks/website/recipes/default.rb:11 FC008: Generated cookbook metadata needs updating: cookbooks/website/metadata.rb:2 FC008: Generated cookbook metadata needs updating: cookbooks/website/metadata.rb:3
  14. Chefspec require 'chefspec' describe 'website::default' do chef_run = ChefSpec::ChefRunner.new chef_run.converge

    "website::default" it "should install apache package" do chef_run.should install_package "apache2" end it "should create a home page" do chef_run.should create_file "/var/www/index.html" end
  15. Chefspec it "should create a home page with our content"

    do chef_run.should create_file_with_content( "/var/www/index.html","Big Ruby") end it "should start the apache service" do chef_run.should start_service "apache2" end it "should enable the apache service" do chef_run.should enable_service "apache2" end end
  16. "memory": { "swap": { "cached": "0kB", "total": "4128760kB", "free": "4128760kB"

    }, "total": "2055676kB", "free": "1646524kB", "buffers": "35032kB", "cached": "210276kB", "active": "125336kB", "inactive": "142884kB", "dirty": "8kB", "writeback": "0kB", "anon_pages": "22976kB", "mapped": "8416kB", "slab": "121512kB", "slab_reclaimable": "41148kB", "slab_unreclaim": "80364kB", "page_tables": "1784kB", "nfs_unstable": "0kB", "bounce": "0kB", "commit_limit": "5156596kB", "committed_as": "74980kB", "vmalloc_total": "34359738367kB", "vmalloc_used": "274512kB", "vmalloc_chunk": "34359449936kB" }, Ohai! "block_device": { "ram0": { "size": "32768", "removable": "0" }, "ram1": { "size": "32768", "removable": "0" }, "ram2": { "size": "32768", "removable": "0" }, "hostname": "server-1", "fqdn": "server-1.example.com", "domain": "example.com", "network": { "interfaces": { "eth0": { "type": "eth", "number": "0", "encapsulation": "Ethernet", "addresses": { "00:0C:29:43:26:C5": { "family": "lladdr" }, "": { "family": "inet", "broadcast": "", "netmask": "" }, "fe80::20c:29ff:fe43:26c5": { "family": "inet6", "prefixlen": "64", "scope": "Link" } },
  17. Testing Tools • Vagrant • knife cookbook test • Foodcritic

    • Chefspec • Fauxhai • Minitest and the Minitest Chef Handler
  18. Handlers $ vagrant up [default] Importing base box 'web'... [default]

    Matching MAC address for NAT networking... [default] Forwarding ports... [default] -- 22 => 2222 (adapter 1) [default] -- 80 => 8080 (adapter 1) ... [2013-02-01T05:24:19+00:00] WARN: Node vagrant.vm has an empty run list. [2013-02-01T05:24:20+00:00] INFO: Chef Run complete in 1.962777136 seconds [2013-02-01T05:24:20+00:00] INFO: Running report handlers [2013-02-01T05:24:20+00:00] INFO: Report handlers complete
  19. minitest class TestWebsite < MiniTest::Chef::TestCase include MiniTest::Chef::Assertions include MiniTest::Chef::Context include

    MiniTest::Chef::Resources def test_succeed assert run_status.success? end def test_that_the_package_installed package("apache2").must_be_installed end def test_that_the_service_is_running service("apache2").must_be_running end
  20. minitest-handler $ vagrant provision [2013-02-01T06:43:34+00:00] INFO: Running report handlers Run

    options: -v --seed 12405 # Running tests: TestWebsite#test_succeed = ... Finished tests in 0.098367s, 60.9959 tests/s, 60.9959 assertions/s. 6 tests, 6 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips [2013-02-01T06:43:34+00:00] INFO: Report handlers complete
  21. Testing Tools • Vagrant • knife cookbook test • Foodcritic

    • Chefspec • Fauxhai • Minitest and the Minitest Chef Handler • Why-run
  22. Launch a Staging Node $ knife ec2 server create -I

    ami-f4fb7c9d -f m1.small -E staging Instance ID: i-1e3a4b6d Flavor: m1.small Image: ami-f4fb7c9d Region: us-east-1 Availability Zone: us-east-1d Security Groups: default Tags: {"Name"=>"i-1e3a4b6d"} SSH Key: nharvey-oc Waiting for server.................... Public DNS Name: ec2-107-22-155-182.compute-1.amazonaws.com Public IP Address: Private DNS Name: ip-10-190-223-78.ec2.internal Private IP Address: Waiting for sshd....done Bootstrapping Chef on ec2-107-22-155-182.compute-1.amazonaws.com
  23. Launch a Staging Node $ knife node run_list add i-1e3a4b6d

    "recipe[website]" i-1e3a4b6d: run_list: recipe[website]
  24. Why Run $ knife ssh "chef_environment:staging" "sudo chef-client --why-run" Starting

    Chef Client, version 11.4.0 ... Converging 3 resources * package[apache2] action install - Would install version 2.2.22-1ubuntu1 of package apache2 * template[/var/www/index.html] action create * Parent directory /var/www does not exist. * Assuming directory /var/www would have been created - Would create template[/var/www/index.html] * service[apache2] action start - Would start service service[apache2] * service[apache2] action enable - Would enable service service[apache2] WARN: In whyrun mode, so NOT performing node save. Chef Client finished, 4 resources would have been updated
  25. Why Run • Promises, Lies, and Dry-Run Mode • http://bit.ly/guessrun

    • Why Run reported 4 resource updated • “real run” only 2 resources are updated
  26. Testing Tools • Vagrant - Local development and testing •

    knife cookbook test - Verify ruby syntax • Foodcritic - Cookbook linter • Chefspec - Unit testing recipes • Fauxhai - Mock all the things • Minitest Chef Handler - post-converge tests • Why-run - Best guess
  27. Moar Testing Tools • Test Kitchen • Cross-platform testing •

    Cucumber Chef • acceptance & integration testing
  28. Watch Tests Fail $ rpsec . 5 examples, 1 failure

    Failed examples: rspec ./cookbooks/website/spec/default_spec.rb:18 # website::default should create a home page with our content $ vagrant provision FATAL: RuntimeError: MiniTest failed with 0 failure(s) and 1 error(s). Error: test_home_page_content(TestWebsite):
  29. Converge Development Node $ rspec . 5 examples, 0 failures

    $ knife cookbook upload website && vagrant provision 6 tests, 7 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
  30. Converge Staging Node $ knife ssh "chef_environment:staging" "sudo chef-client" Starting

    Chef Client, version 11.4.0 ... Chef Client finished, 0 resources updated
  31. Y U No Change? { "name": "staging", "description": "", "cookbook_versions":

    { "website" : "0.1.2" }, "json_class": "Chef::Environment", "chef_type": "environment", "default_attributes": { }, "override_attributes": { } }
  32. Converge the Staging Node $ knife environment from file staging.json

    Updated Environment staging $ knife ssh "chef_environment:staging" "sudo chef-client" Starting Chef Client, version 11.4.0 ... Chef Client finished, 1 resources updated
  33. Environments & Continuous Integration • Tests + Environments + Continuous

    Integration • ONE Build Pipeline to Rule them All
  34. Testing Your Infrastructure • There are a number of frameworks

    to automate your infrastructure testing • Graduate changes through your environment • Trust your monitoring to catch issues quickly
  35. Chef is Awesome! • Manage all of the infrastructure for

    your single page, static website! •
  36. Knife Rocks! • Command line interface for • Creating Cookbooks

    • Searching the Chef Server • Provisioning Infrastructure • ...and more!
  37. The Chef Community is Awesome! • Things in this presentation

    that exist because of the Community: • Foodcritic • Chefspec • minitest-chef-handler • Fauxhai • Cucumber Chef
  38. How can you help? • You are a developer well-versed

    in Ruby test frameworks & TDD • Test frameworks & TDD are relatively new to infrastructure code