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The Joy of Cooking: Deploying Drupal with Chef

The Joy of Cooking: Deploying Drupal with Chef

An introduction to Chef and information on deploying Drupal with Chef. This presentation was originally given at DrupalCon 2013.

Nathen Harvey

May 23, 2013

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  1. Chef is an automation platform for developers & systems engineers

    to continuously define, build, and manage infrastructure. CHEF USES: Recipes and Cookbooks that describe Infrastructure as Code. Chef enables people to easily build & manage complex & dynamic applications at massive scale • New model for describing infrastructure that promotes reuse • Programmatically provision and configure • Reconstruct business from code repository, data backup, and bare metal resources “ ” Chef
  2. Collection of Resources http://www.flickr.com/photos/philliecasablanca/3354734116/ • Networking • Files • Directories

    • Symlinks • Mounts • Routes • Users • Groups • Tasks • Packages • Software • Services • Configuration • Other Stuff
  3. New Requirements •A new developer joined the team, get her

    set-up with the application •Add New Relic monitoring to the application •Add a new module to the development site •Do not store the unencrypted admin password in the git repository
  4. http://www.flickr.com/photos/louisb/4555295187/ • Programmatically provision and configure • Treat like any

    other code base • Reconstruct business from code repository, data backup, and bare metal resources. Chef is Infrastructure as Code
  5. http://www.flickr.com/photos/ssoosay/5126146763/ • Chef generates configurations directly on nodes from their

    run list • Reduce management complexity through abstraction • Store the configuration of your programs in version control Programs
  6. That Looks Like This package "apache2" template "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf" do soucre

    "apache2.conf.erb" owner "root" group "root" mode "0644" variables(:allow_override => "All") notifies :reload, "service[apache2]" end service "apache2" do action [:enable,:start] supports :reload => true end
  7. • Recipes are collections of Resources • Cookbooks contain recipes,

    templates, files, custom resources, etc • Code re-use and modularity • Hundreds already on Community.opscode.com http://www.flickr.com/photos/shutterhacks/4474421855/ Recipes and Cookbooks
  8. pool_members = search("node","role:awesome_site) template "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg" do source "haproxy-app_lb.cfg.erb" owner "root"

    group "root" mode "0644" variables :pool_members => pool_members.uniq notifies :restart, "service[haproxy]" end Pass Results To Templates
  9. # Set up application listeners here. listen application balance

    roundrobin <% @pool_members.each do |member| -%> server <%= member[:hostname] %> <%= member[:ipaddress] %>: weight 1 maxconn 1 check <% end -%> <% if node["haproxy"]["enable_admin"] -%> listen admin mode http stats uri / <% end -%> Pass Results To Templates
  10. Nagios Graphite Drupal App Memcache MySQL Slaves • Load balancer

    config • Nagios host ping • Nagios host ssh • Nagios host HTTP • Nagios host app health • Graphite CPU • Graphite Memory • Graphite Disk • Graphite SNMP • Memcache firewall • MySQL firewall • 11+ resource changes for 1 node addition Count the Resources
  11. Vagrantfile Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.hostname = "drupalcon-dev" config.vm.box = "opscode-ubuntu-12.04"

    config.vm.network :private_network, ip: "" config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8080 end
  12. Register VM with Chef Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| ... config.vm.provision :chef_client

    do |chef| chef.chef_server_url = "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/nhdrupalcon" chef.validation_key_path = ".chef/nhdrupalcon-validator.pem" chef.validation_client_name = "nhdrupalcon-validator" end end $ vagrant provision
  13. Write our own Cookbook $ knife cookbook create awesome_site **

    Creating cookbook awesome_site ** Creating README for cookbook: awesome_site ** Creating CHANGELOG for cookbook: awesome_site ** Creating metadata for cookbook: awesome_site
  14. Write our own Cookbook include_recipe "drupal" web_app "drupal" do template

    "drupal.conf.erb" docroot node['drupal']['dir'] server_name server_fqdn server_aliases node['fqdn'] end
  15. Data •Separate data from policy •Policy: Site has a document

    root •Data: /var/www/drupal •Policy: Apache has a Server Alias •Data: Fully-qualified domain name of the server web_app "drupal" do template "drupal.conf.erb" docroot node['drupal']['dir'] server_name server_fqdn server_aliases node['fqdn'] end
  16. Attributes •Specific details about a node •Defined by: •The state

    of the node •Cookbooks •Roles •Environments
  17. Ohai "languages": { "ruby": { }, "perl": { "version": "5.14.2",

    "archname": "x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi" }, "python": { "version": "2.7.3", "builddate": "Aug 1 2012, 05:14:39" }, "php": { "version": "5.3.10-1ubuntu3.6", "builddate": "(cli) (built: Mar" } }, "kernel": { "name": "Linux", "release": "3.2.0-32-virtual", "version": "#51-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 26 21:53:42 UTC 2012", "machine": "x86_64", "modules": { "isofs": { "size": "40257", "refcount": "0" }, "acpiphp": { "size": "24231", "refcount": "0" } }, "os": "GNU/Linux" }, "os": "linux", "os_version": "3.2.0-32-virtual", "ohai_time": 1369328621.3456137, "network": { "interfaces": { "lo": { "mtu": "16436", "flags": [ "LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP" ], "encapsulation": "Loopback", "addresses": { "": { "family": "inet", "prefixlen": "8", "netmask": "", "scope": "Node" }, "::1": { "family": "inet6", "prefixlen": "128", "scope": "Node" } }, "state": "unknown" }, "eth0": { "type": "eth", "number": "0", "mtu": "1500",
  18. Attributes •Cookbooks, Roles, and Environments can also set attribute data

    •Extremely flexible mechanism for configuration •Cookbook: •Environment: default['drupal']['modules'] = ['views', 'webform'] default_attributes({ "drupal" => {"modules" => ["views","webform","token"]}})
  19. Data Bags •Global Data •Stored in JSON •Accessible from the

    Chef Server •Can be encrypted { "id": "nharvey", "groups": ["sysadmin"], "uid": 2001, "shell": "/bin/bash", "comment": "Nathen Harvey <nharvey@opscode.com>", "nagios": { "email": "you@example.com" } }
  20. Search pool_members = search("node","awesome_site) template "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg" do source "haproxy-app_lb.cfg.erb" owner

    "root" group "root" mode "0644" variables :pool_members => pool_members.uniq notifies :restart, "service[haproxy]" end
  21. Upload our Cookbooks •We’re using •Cookbooks from the community site

    •A cookbook we wrote •Upload the cookbooks using knife $ knife cookbook upload -a
  22. Run List •Ordered list of roles or recipes to be

    run on a node •The run list represents the policy to be applied •chef-client •Executes on the node on a regular basis •Receives the run list from the Chef Server •Brings the node in-line with the policy
  23. Run List Server Server Server Server chef-server API chef-client “role[webserver]”

    node ntp client.rb openssh server.rb apache default.rb drupal default.rb chef-client “role[database]” node ntp client.rb openssh server.rb mysql server.rb
  24. Run chef-client config.vm.provision :chef_client do |chef| chef.chef_server_url = "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/nhdrupalcon" chef.validation_key_path

    = ".chef/nhdrupalcon-validator.pem" chef.validation_client_name = "nhdrupalcon-validator" chef.add_recipe "awesome_site" end $ vagrant provision
  25. Production Deploy •We’ll use Amazon’s EC2 for our initial deploy

    •...but we could deploy to any server •Using the same cookbooks as our development environment, deploy to EC2 $ knife ec2 server create -r "recipe[awesome_site]" -f m1.medium -I ami-641c8e0d -N ec2_drupal
  26. Next Steps •Move Database to a different node •Add a

    Load Balancer and additional application servers •Add monitoring •Add log aggregation •etc.
  27. Open Source •Apache 2 Software License •Continually growing number of

    contributors! •1400+ individuals, 200+ companies •Development repositories: •github.com/opscode •github.com/opscode-cookbooks •Regular code reviews via Google+ Hangout
  28. Thanks! •Promet Source •Will Milton •github.com/promet/drupal_cookbook •curl -L bit.ly/10McZSZ |

    bash; vagrant up •Marius Ducea •community.opscode.com/cookbooks/drupal
  29. Chef Training •Chef Introductory Workshop •Tomorrow in Corvallis •FREE to

    all DrupalCon Attendees •http://bit.ly/learnchef-drupalcon
  30. Thank You! •What Questions Do You Have? •@nathenharvey •Free Training

    Tomorrow (register by 9PM) •bit.ly/learnchef-drupalcon •Feedback on this session: portland2013.drupal.org/node/2963